Sunday, February 9, 2025

Open Your Third Eye... If You Dare

 In the recent years learning of your energy body capacities went mainstream. We see individuals claiming to cleanse your chakras in one sitting left and right. Kundalini energy awakening became as popular as visiting MacDonalds, as well as third eye activation prompting many individuals to test their psychiatric health. 

I’m being sarcastic because modern approach to spirituality is turning into an inverted practice of looking for drive-through solutions on matters that require serious and deep approach. There are two sides of this coin, as to everything that starts out as a simple interest and becomes the work of one’s life. Quick fixes may camouflage the problem but will not resolve the issue.

And yet, for some of us, born in the 1980s, things like working with your energy body come naturally. We feel deeper, we are not satisfied by quick fixes, we actually may be the ones providing the energy cleansing sessions because we know how it works and we have already done the deeper work on ourselves. It’s a question of spiritual etiquette whether a spiritually awoken individual will give such fast food service to those who are craving it.

When it comes to the Third Eye activation, we have to learn psychic rule number one, which states that there must be caution and proper intention when we desire to embark upon the journey of diving within. 

If we approach this path carelessly we might end up regretting it and living the life of a struggle while seeing things that are not meant to be seen by unprepared mind and hearing voices of beings from low vibrational worlds trying to lure us into giving up our authority and funneling our energy to them.

Renown spiritual teachers warned about such dangers and gave some practical advice on how to avoid becoming a victim of unethical spiritual practices. 

According to Blavatsky, opening the third eye is not about developing a physical organ but about awakening inner spiritual vision through conscious evolution, ethical living, and dedicated spiritual practices. Rudolf Steiner teachings on spiritual development highlight the potential pitfalls of premature or unbalanced attempts to awaken spiritual faculties. He emphasized the importance of a gradual, ethical, and balanced approach to spiritual development, with a strong foundation in moral character and self-discipline.  

What dangers could be encountered if we open the third eye prematurely, or without proper preparation and guidance? It can potentially lead to several challenges and negative experiences.

Some of them include but not limited to

Confusion and Delusion: Without a strong foundation in self-awareness and mental clarity, individuals might misinterpret their experiences or become susceptible to illusions and fantasies, mistaking them for genuine spiritual insights. This can lead to confusion, disorientation, and difficulty distinguishing between reality and imagination.   

Impaired Judgment: detachment from the everyday world, making it difficult to navigate practical life. Individuals might struggle with decision-making, problem-solving, and maintaining healthy relationships.

Ethical Lapses: Some individuals might be tempted to use their newfound abilities for personal gain, manipulation, or control over others leading to negative karmic consequences in the absence of spiritual ethics. 

Psychological Imbalances: In some cases, attempts to accelerate spiritual development could lead to psychological disturbances, such as anxiety, depression, or even psychosis. This is especially true for individuals with pre-existing mental health conditions.

Spiritual Bypassing: Some individuals might use spiritual practices as a way to avoid dealing with unresolved emotional issues or psychological traumas. This can lead to a superficial understanding of spirituality and a lack of genuine personal growth.   

Unpleasant Sensations: Premature activation of the third eye might lead to uncomfortable physical sensations, such as headaches, pressure in the forehead, or visual disturbances.

All of mentioned above should not scare you if you following the Highest path of your spiritual unfoldment. 

I personally like to take it slow and avoid forceful techniques as they won’t lead to anything truly beneficial, let along, healing. 

One thing I’d do for sure, is start a strong meditation practice. Calm and relaxed mind is much more prone to healing experiences with Third Eye, and open to connecting with subtle worlds of Higher Vibration. 

I’d make sure I set an intention for psychic protection before ebery meditation I do. And I make sure that my surroundings are free of physical and energetical distractions such as harmful EMF exposure that will negatively interfere with my practice. For that I have ORGONITE that I create for myself and others, with protective and healing intentions in mind and with positive energy embedded and intertwined through every device. 

The structure of orgonite is changing positively charges ions emitted by electric devices and harmful for human beings, to negative ions, that are essential for health and wellbeing. 

I hope this article was helpful and informative, please let me know in the comments if you ever worked on your spiritual senses and if you did what path did you follow. I’d like to hear about all experiences good or bad!

Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Invisible Threat: Living in the Age of EMF


Everyone in today’s world knows that we are electro-magnetic beings. Our heart is electric, and our thoughts are magnetic. Our heart is a vortex – not only in the physical sense, but also on the energy level. There are many levels to our soul, but the ones we are mentioning here are the most prominent ones for the earthy realm, your astral body, mental body and your emotional body. 

Your heart moves the energy in the torus field motion, while connecting you with the lower realms and the higher realms. And your soul has to pull the information that it’s most resonant with from either direction.

 Everyone is talking about living in 5D, about raising vibration, connection with your higher self and manifesting from the best version of yourself. 

This information is everywhere and yet there are many people who can’t grasp the concept simply because they can’t experience it due to constant distractions and disruptions of their energy field.

See, as beings who have soul, we are a part of the divine energy, the God energy. We are created to live in harmony and to have the balance between our lower urges and our Higher Self. 

It won’t be a surprise to you if I say that there are groups of people who really want to keep humanity in the lower vibrations, in the state of constant survival mode, in fight or flight mode. To create a technocratic society is their ultimate dream. Society that is highly surveilled, controlled, dependent on their agenda. Society that utilizes technology as a way to control masses. 

As much as technology helps us to stay connected with the outside world, it does disrupt our own electromagnetic field. It disrupts the way our energy flows through our energy channels, it creates imbalances in the way the energy is distributed through our vital organs and chakra energy centers.

It shouldn’t scare you, but lead you to learning ways of self defense against these frequencies. 

It just makes sense to learn to protect our electromagnetic nature from any disruptions. 

The very simple way is to disconnect from electronic devices and to live out in the nature. But not everyone in our society is ready to take on this path. 

In the 10 years of researching Orgonite, I found that these small devices are really helpful in bringing you back to zero point energy by some very scientific processes that are happening within every piece. 

Casimir Effect is one of the most important properties of Orgonite that allow it to create Zero Point Energy field. You can read more about it HERE

Simply put, that’s what’s happening, 

Your nervous system and brain are extremely sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) from the environment. The scalar energy produced by the orgonite device via the Casimit effect, offers a field of protective shield around the body. 
Scalar energy radiates a network of harmonious and balanced energies. This energy is different than traditional understanding of energy in that it expands outwards in circles of energy rather than radiating as waves. This protective shield of scalar energy removes and neutralizes the effects of man-made frequencies (from cell phones, TV, computers, microwaves, cell towers, and other man-made technology) on the human body. 

Quantum field that’s created inside your Orgonite, is being activated by your focused intention due to another Orgonite property, Piezoelectricity, the programmable nature of Quartz Crystals. 

As an orgone artist, when I program Orgonite devices, I use high vibrational frequencies of solfegio tones (528Hz) and divine Reiki energy for protection and healing. 

There are many layers to this energy formula that works consistently, continuously and effectively. 

If you are one of those open minded people who is ready to take your energy protection to a whole new level and be able to rip other amazing benefits of orgonite, 

I am here for you, making magic happen at DYMONDCREATIONS.COM


Monday, January 20, 2025

What should you use for Astral Travelling


Astral travelling became a very prominent topic in the recent years since 2012. A lot of people have woken up to the idea of having an energy body and trying many different ways of learning about it. 

When we talk about astral body, we can picture the energy that is of non physical quality, that is a part of our soul make up and surrounding our physical body. When we sleep we enter astral realm where we are functioning as astral body.  

Some people practice astral projection which is an intentional traveling in the astral realm to a certain location. Some like to astral travel without any certain plan or place to visit. Whether you astral project or astral travel, you stay aware and conscious at all times and remember everything upon waking up. 

Why people do it? There are many realms in the astral that may not be relevant to your life, but there are some that may contain things that have direct connection with your current life or past lives. 

It is said that everything is happening first on the ethnic planes including the astral, and then manifests in the physical. 

How can you utilize your orgonite devices for astral projection? 

As I mentioned many times, the structure of orgonite allows for energy to be purified and cleansed. It possesses healing properties and helps you to focus better. It also has programmable properties due to piezoelectric qualities of Quartz crystals. 

The protection from negative energy and clarity are essential when it comes to astral travelling. Astral planes are inhabited by many beings and not all of them are of light energy. It is very easy to open up a portal to a low vibrational realm without knowing what you are doing and get such beings attached to your energy body. 

This will not happen in the presence of Orgonite. 

If you are planning to astral project with orgonite, please have a clear intention of what you wish to visit. Set an intention that you will be safe and Divinely protected at all times. Your orgone device will hold space for you and will create that zero point energy field that will help you to tap into the highest realms of the astral plane. 

If you are looking for orgonite devices, make sure to check out my Etsy at

I create with my heart, utilizing highest vibrations of solfegio frequencies and my skills as reiki master.

If you have any questions please let me know in the comments, I’m always here for you!



Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Angelic Electromagnetism of your Heart

Hello dear ones, it’s been a while! 

We are living through crazy times, with political parties tearing people apart, with man made hurricanes that are created to interfere with elections, with information about wars and world problems weighting down on our shoulders, and yet we as lightworkers are trying to shine our light and be of help to humanity on daily basis. 

So much is happening this year - but our heart is beating, our energy collectively rising despite evil forces teaming up and striking all over. 

Our heart, the main reason evil has not won yet.

Our heart is electromagnetic. It is vortex not a pump. This electricity and magnetism are of Divine Nature. Heightened technology they pushing for, interact with your natural bodily electricity which is angelic.

 5G, EMF devices degrade your energy, atrophy your high vibration and let the negative energy attachment to happen. 

When our environment becomes charged with negative energy and microwave frequencies it’s becoming increasingly harder to focus on your Light, we fall in kind of a dormant state unable to process the reality and to see the world clearly for what it is. 

With weakened energy system we can’t influence matrix around us, BUT the system can have a huge impact on us through the EMF radiation very easily. I will never stop fighting for energy freedom – that’s the most valuable currency today. Our free will, our focus.

We have to keep in mind that lower energy beings can ONLY enter this realm through electricity. And by shielding our energy from devices that vibe low (Phones, Routers, 5G, Smart meters, etc.) with Orgonite we protect not only our health and energy field, but save ourselves from negative entities attachments. 

Use your devices wisely. Protect your energy. 

Why orgonite is the needed medium to protect you from low vibrational electricity? 

It mere structure is made up in the way to cleanse the energy but stopping positive ions, emitted by EMF devices. In fact, it it provides negative ions essential for our well being. 

Find all the orgonite I create here:

Monday, July 22, 2024

What to do when low on energy

Our energy is the most valuable currency in the world. Everything we do in life directly reflects the amount of energy we have access to. Depression and anxiety, bad mood and mood swings are the indicators that your energy needs to be taking care of. 

Here are some ways you can improve your energy quality and correspondingly your life quality with. 

✨being true with ourselves

When we follow wrong goals and living life to please others, we blocking our energy flow and not being a clear channel for it to flow freely.

✨stop saving life for tomorrow

How often we store money away without clear purpose for it, limit our self expression, putting dreams away, not living in the now? 

We receive the energy for what we want it to be spent on, and block it by not following our heart.

✨working with blockages in the body on mental, emotional, energetical and physical level through therapy, coaching, meditation

✨use of healing devices : includes but not limited to 

Crystal healing

Clearing EMF and producing negative ions with Orgonite 

Sound healing/ singing bowls

Reiki healing

Using tuning forks

Personally I use and prefer Orgonite Crystal healing for its purity of vibration. Not only it cleanses the environment but also helps to raise energy level by helping to clear energy blockages in the body on the energy level through vibrational healing and on physical level by providing negative ions essential for our body. 

Find more of my healing Orgonite art on my Etsy at

Sunday, July 21, 2024

To say or not to say ..

 In society, many situations will arise where you have to choose the way you act. Some of your actions will feel like being a traitor to yourself, some will make you feel good about yourself. In certain situations emotions may stand in the way of a proper response. Same comes to posting: what you say and what you are being quiet about in your content, reels, stories. 

Some things I learned in the recent years, with wars and sensitive content that triggers people. To stay in my truth, in my lane, and to be honest with myself in the first place. 

✨You shouldn’t do what others want you to , when it comes to sensitive issues. Some of my friends want me publicly support their cause - and it goes against my beliefs and understanding of what my channel is about, of what I am about. So I don’t. Being a people pleaser, I was struggling with it in the beginning, but learned to hear my inner voice and don’t get involved if I know it will destroy my inner peace and change who I am in a destructive way. 

✨on the opposite side, there are things I want to say and truly believe in. Knowing that this information may hurt someone who follows me and some people I know personally, really shakes me. But I feel that if I won’t say it I am not following my calling. So I say it and feel bad for some time about hurting someone’s feelings , but then respect myself for doing what feels right to me.

✨don’t try to convince people - all you can do is to control your own reality and mind your own business. If people resonate with you - they will stay and become your tribe. If not - they have other ways to find the truth that will serve them.

So the main thing here is to listen to yourself. Don’t follow anyone or anything but your heart. Don’t submit to the opinion of others if it doesn’t serve your truth. Dig deeper and only trust your gut. That’s all I wanted to share today ✌️ ☮️ ๐Ÿ•Š️

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

How to time travel using orgonite

 We perceive our reality very linear. What if we start seeing it with open mind and heart? What if it has so much more to offer than what we already know?

Orgonite is one of those things which mere existence widens your perception and makes you realize there is so much more to learn and experience. 

For those not familiar with them, orgonites are known to transform negative (lower vibrational) types of energy (DOR), and replace it with positive (higher vibrational) types of energy (POR) . Orgonite is used to cleanse negative energy and to counteract the effects electromagnetic waves have on our bodies. Regular users notice it helps improve the energy around them emotionally and spiritually, which in turn benefits physically. 

Orgonite is known for many properties. But not many people talking about Casimir Effect and Electrostriction. We will only learn about Casimir Effect in this article.

These effects can create a potential for quantum jumps and time traveling when you connect this technology with your mindset and work with it intentionally.

Time travel in the wide understanding is not what we do as souls. Time travel in soul terms is learning about our past lives and changing our perception of the past to shape most desirable future or reshape the traumatic past events.

Let’s learn a bit more about Casimir Effect.

Casimir effect
Casimir Effect, an effect rising from the quantum theory of electromagnetic radiation in which the energy present in the empty space between two object, primarily the metal plates. This is a zero-point energy effect. Basically, it’s when energy is created out of nothing (zero-point energy, also known as scalar energy) between two metal plates that are close to each other but not touching when placed in a vacuum. 
Applying this to an orgonite device, the various particles encompassed and resin inside your pyramid become the 2 plates mentioned in the Casimir effect. The charge given off by the metals, both accumulate and repel the surrounding ether (orgone, prana, chi, life force). 

Your nervous system and brain are extremely sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) from the environment. The scalar energy produced by the orgonite device via the Casimit effect, offers a field of protective shield around the body. 
Scalar energy radiates a network of harmonious and balanced energies. This energy is different than traditional understanding of energy in that it expands outwards in circles of energy rather than radiating as waves. This protective shield of scalar energy removes and neutralizes the effects of man-made frequencies (from cell phones, TV, computers, microwaves, cell towers, and other man-made technology) on the human body. 

So how do we use Orgonite technology to time travel?

Mental energy and focused energy of your mind is the most powerful tool when it comes to reshaping your reality. Coupled with orgonite it will most definitely bring you to your desired outcomes.

1. Make it your daily routine, make it easy, make it fun.

2. Turn on meditation music to set your mind to the right frequency 

3. Charge your water on an orgonite plate with both hands around your cup. Visualize energy streams going from earth through you into the universe, and back. 

4. Envision your best possible outcome for your situation and KNOW things are magically falling into place. Focus on this process and with your inner eyes see the energy inside your orgonite plate expanding, cleansing your energy body, quantum jumping you into your dream life. 

5. Quantum field that’s created inside your orgonite being activated by your focused intention.

6. Thank the Universe for the opportunities and things you wish to manifest as you already have it,

7. See the magic unfolding before your eyes.

Don’t forget to let me know when your dreams become your reality๐Ÿ’‹

Always yours,