Monday, July 22, 2024

What to do when low on energy

Our energy is the most valuable currency in the world. Everything we do in life directly reflects the amount of energy we have access to. Depression and anxiety, bad mood and mood swings are the indicators that your energy needs to be taking care of. 

Here are some ways you can improve your energy quality and correspondingly your life quality with. 

✨being true with ourselves

When we follow wrong goals and living life to please others, we blocking our energy flow and not being a clear channel for it to flow freely.

✨stop saving life for tomorrow

How often we store money away without clear purpose for it, limit our self expression, putting dreams away, not living in the now? 

We receive the energy for what we want it to be spent on, and block it by not following our heart.

✨working with blockages in the body on mental, emotional, energetical and physical level through therapy, coaching, meditation

✨use of healing devices : includes but not limited to 

Crystal healing

Clearing EMF and producing negative ions with Orgonite 

Sound healing/ singing bowls

Reiki healing

Using tuning forks

Personally I use and prefer Orgonite Crystal healing for its purity of vibration. Not only it cleanses the environment but also helps to raise energy level by helping to clear energy blockages in the body on the energy level through vibrational healing and on physical level by providing negative ions essential for our body. 

Find more of my healing Orgonite art on my Etsy at

Sunday, July 21, 2024

To say or not to say ..

 In society, many situations will arise where you have to choose the way you act. Some of your actions will feel like being a traitor to yourself, some will make you feel good about yourself. In certain situations emotions may stand in the way of a proper response. Same comes to posting: what you say and what you are being quiet about in your content, reels, stories. 

Some things I learned in the recent years, with wars and sensitive content that triggers people. To stay in my truth, in my lane, and to be honest with myself in the first place. 

✨You shouldn’t do what others want you to , when it comes to sensitive issues. Some of my friends want me publicly support their cause - and it goes against my beliefs and understanding of what my channel is about, of what I am about. So I don’t. Being a people pleaser, I was struggling with it in the beginning, but learned to hear my inner voice and don’t get involved if I know it will destroy my inner peace and change who I am in a destructive way. 

✨on the opposite side, there are things I want to say and truly believe in. Knowing that this information may hurt someone who follows me and some people I know personally, really shakes me. But I feel that if I won’t say it I am not following my calling. So I say it and feel bad for some time about hurting someone’s feelings , but then respect myself for doing what feels right to me.

✨don’t try to convince people - all you can do is to control your own reality and mind your own business. If people resonate with you - they will stay and become your tribe. If not - they have other ways to find the truth that will serve them.

So the main thing here is to listen to yourself. Don’t follow anyone or anything but your heart. Don’t submit to the opinion of others if it doesn’t serve your truth. Dig deeper and only trust your gut. That’s all I wanted to share today ✌️ ☮️ 🕊️

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

How to time travel using orgonite

 We perceive our reality very linear. What if we start seeing it with open mind and heart? What if it has so much more to offer than what we already know?

Orgonite is one of those things which mere existence widens your perception and makes you realize there is so much more to learn and experience. 

For those not familiar with them, orgonites are known to transform negative (lower vibrational) types of energy (DOR), and replace it with positive (higher vibrational) types of energy (POR) . Orgonite is used to cleanse negative energy and to counteract the effects electromagnetic waves have on our bodies. Regular users notice it helps improve the energy around them emotionally and spiritually, which in turn benefits physically. 

Orgonite is known for many properties. But not many people talking about Casimir Effect and Electrostriction. We will only learn about Casimir Effect in this article.

These effects can create a potential for quantum jumps and time traveling when you connect this technology with your mindset and work with it intentionally.

Time travel in the wide understanding is not what we do as souls. Time travel in soul terms is learning about our past lives and changing our perception of the past to shape most desirable future or reshape the traumatic past events.

Let’s learn a bit more about Casimir Effect.

Casimir effect
Casimir Effect, an effect rising from the quantum theory of electromagnetic radiation in which the energy present in the empty space between two object, primarily the metal plates. This is a zero-point energy effect. Basically, it’s when energy is created out of nothing (zero-point energy, also known as scalar energy) between two metal plates that are close to each other but not touching when placed in a vacuum. 
Applying this to an orgonite device, the various particles encompassed and resin inside your pyramid become the 2 plates mentioned in the Casimir effect. The charge given off by the metals, both accumulate and repel the surrounding ether (orgone, prana, chi, life force). 

Your nervous system and brain are extremely sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) from the environment. The scalar energy produced by the orgonite device via the Casimit effect, offers a field of protective shield around the body. 
Scalar energy radiates a network of harmonious and balanced energies. This energy is different than traditional understanding of energy in that it expands outwards in circles of energy rather than radiating as waves. This protective shield of scalar energy removes and neutralizes the effects of man-made frequencies (from cell phones, TV, computers, microwaves, cell towers, and other man-made technology) on the human body. 

So how do we use Orgonite technology to time travel?

Mental energy and focused energy of your mind is the most powerful tool when it comes to reshaping your reality. Coupled with orgonite it will most definitely bring you to your desired outcomes.

1. Make it your daily routine, make it easy, make it fun.

2. Turn on meditation music to set your mind to the right frequency 

3. Charge your water on an orgonite plate with both hands around your cup. Visualize energy streams going from earth through you into the universe, and back. 

4. Envision your best possible outcome for your situation and KNOW things are magically falling into place. Focus on this process and with your inner eyes see the energy inside your orgonite plate expanding, cleansing your energy body, quantum jumping you into your dream life. 

5. Quantum field that’s created inside your orgonite being activated by your focused intention.

6. Thank the Universe for the opportunities and things you wish to manifest as you already have it,

7. See the magic unfolding before your eyes.

Don’t forget to let me know when your dreams become your reality💋

Always yours,

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Why I use Ankh symbol in Orgonite?

 𓋹 Why Ankh? Why Egyptian symbolism? I'm an Eastern European in the States and Egypt is somewhere in the middle between the two sides of the world I call home. 

𓆃 But somehow looking at this gliph i feel connected to something larger than me, than world itself. 

𓂀 To tell you more, things started to fall into place for me when i started using Ankh made as Orgonite. 

🪷This made me look deeper into its symbology and realizations were mind blowing. 

In general literature, Ankh is believed to represent life, vitality, and energy;

🔮 But in secret esoteric circles Ankhs energy is powerful for another reason: 

💫Ankh is one magical symbol that literally connects Heaven and Earth. It takes its beginning in the earthy plane, brings the energy upwards, loops around and anchors your manifestations and dreams in the Higher Planes, and brings that energy back, filled with power to make anything happen. 

With Orgonite it went when further extending and amplifying Ankhs power. 


✨because Orgone structure and piezoelectric effect of resin on quartz really helps to feel the power of crystal synergy and turns crystals in Orgonite into "batteries" that will amplify energy of the piece infinitely. 

✨because Orgonite structure is known for Casemir effect and zero point energy that gets created is powerful enough to make quantum jumps and quantum healing possible and on a huge scale, when work with Ankh consciously. 

🙌By incorporating the Ankh into manifestation practices with orgonite, individuals may believe they can amplify their intentions and manifest their desires more effectively. It serves as a focal point for channeling energy and intention towards specific goals or manifestations.

Ankh Orgonite by DymondCreations

⚡This particular piece has also been hand painted and finished with resin for shine, and is 25% OFF $100 today with all other Egyptian pieces❤



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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

How Orgonite Works to Neutralize Chemtrails

 Orgonite is a material made of resin, metal shavings, and crystals that is believed to generate and amplify orgone energy, a type of life force energy.

Orgonite is believed to have the ability to influence water vapor by creating a positive energy field around it. This positive energy field is believed to attract and absorb negative energy, which can help to purify the water vapor by removing any harmful energies or pollutants.

Additionally, orgonite is believed to help balance the electromagnetic frequencies around it, which can also have an impact on water vapor. By creating a harmonious energy field, orgonite may help to stabilize the water molecules in the vapor, making them more structured and easier for the body to absorb.

Overall, orgonite is believed to have a positive influence on water vapor by creating a healthy and beneficial energy environment that can help to cleanse and balance the water molecules present in the vapor.

Here is how it works with some details. Information was obtained by me from Steven Smith website that was taken down. This says it all!

CB = Cloud Buster orgonite 

Find all Orgonite by DymondCreations on my Etsy:

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Unveiling the Connection: How EMF Influences Procrastination and Productivity

 🕰️⚡ Unveiling the Connection: How EMF Influences Procrastination and Productivity ⚡📉

In the fast-paced digital age we live in, electronic devices surround us at every turn. From smartphones to laptops, Wi-Fi routers to smartwatches, our reliance on technology is undeniable. However, amidst the convenience and connectivity these devices provide, there lies a hidden influence that can significantly impact our productivity and propensity for procrastination: electromagnetic fields (EMF).

EMFs are invisible fields of energy emitted by electronic devices and appliances. While they are an inherent part of modern life, research suggests that prolonged exposure to EMFs may have subtle yet profound effects on our cognitive function, mood, and behavior. Let's delve deeper into how EMF influences procrastination and productivity:

1. **Disruption of Brain Function**: EMFs have been shown to interfere with brainwave patterns, particularly in the alpha and beta ranges associated with focus, concentration, and cognitive processing. When exposed to high levels of EMFs, individuals may experience difficulty maintaining attention and staying on task, leading to increased procrastination and decreased productivity.

2. **Impact on Sleep Quality**: Exposure to EMFs, especially from devices like smartphones and laptops, can disrupt the body's natural circadian rhythm and melatonin production. Poor sleep quality and insufficient restorative sleep have been linked to decreased cognitive function, impaired decision-making, and reduced productivity during waking hours, exacerbating tendencies towards procrastination.

3. **Heightened Stress Response**: EMF exposure has been associated with increased levels of cortisol, the body's primary stress hormone. Chronic stress can impair cognitive function, diminish motivation, and contribute to feelings of overwhelm and procrastination. In a constantly connected world where electronic devices are ubiquitous, the relentless barrage of EMFs may perpetuate a state of chronic stress that hampers productivity.

4. **Distraction and Information Overload**: The proliferation of electronic devices and the constant influx of notifications, emails, and messages can overwhelm the brain, leading to a state of cognitive overload. This constant stimulation makes it challenging to maintain focus, prioritize tasks, and resist the temptation to procrastinate by engaging in mindless scrolling or multitasking.

5. **Energy Drain and Mental Fatigue**: EMFs emit non-ionizing radiation that penetrates the body and can sap energy levels, leading to feelings of fatigue and mental fog. When energy reserves are depleted, individuals may struggle to summon the motivation and mental clarity needed to tackle tasks efficiently, increasing the likelihood of procrastination.

So, what can we do to mitigate the influence of EMF on procrastination and productivity? Here are some practical strategies:

- **Limit Exposure**: Minimize exposure to EMFs by turning off electronic devices when not in use, keeping smartphones away from the bedside at night, and creating EMF-free zones in your home or workspace.

- **Practice Digital Detoxes**: Schedule regular breaks from electronic devices to allow your brain to rest and recharge. Engage in offline activities that promote relaxation and creativity, such as spending time in nature, reading a book, or practicing mindfulness.

- **Optimize Sleep Environment**: Create a sleep-friendly environment by reducing EMF exposure in the bedroom, using blackout curtains to block out light, and establishing a calming bedtime routine to promote restful sleep.

- **Implement Time Management Techniques**: Break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks, and use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique or time blocking to maintain focus and productivity.

- **Prioritize Self-Care**: Cultivate habits that support overall well-being, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and stress-reducing activities like meditation or yoga. Taking care of your physical and mental health can enhance resilience to the effects of EMF and improve productivity.

- **Use ORGONITE DEVICES**:  orgonite is a powerful tool that can help mitigate the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and promote balance and harmony in your environment. Orgonite is believed to have the ability to absorb and neutralize EMF radiation emitted by electronic devices. The combination of metal shavings and quartz crystals within orgonite creates a powerful energy field that can harmonize the disruptive frequencies of EMFs, reducing their impact on sensitive individuals.


By raising awareness of the impact of EMF on procrastination and productivity, we can empower ourselves to make informed choices about our technology usage and prioritize practices that support our well-being in an increasingly digital world. Remember, striking a balance between connectivity and mindful disconnection is key to reclaiming control over our time and attention. 🌟🔌

Is Your Procrastination EMF Induced?

How many times a day do you feel like your focus is being funneled into multiple and sometimes unpredictable channels, causing you to feel overwhelmed and giving you a sense of procrastination? 

Procrastination is a real issue but it partially stems from your inability to focus your energy in one direction - especially if it’s not a desirable one as we often have with term papers, work from home schedules, etc. 

As someone in my late 30s, who lived all my pre - 20s life without a constant use of a computer or high end phone, I can tell you that the difference in a way I feel procrastination now and then is on two very different levels. I used to study literature while getting my BA in Russian and Foreign literature, and though the amount of papers I had to turn in was enormous, but I never was late. I recall feeling overwhelmed, but I didn’t feel fatigued and unable to complete my week’s work. 

Nowadays the story is different. A few years back, in late 2015, I noticed that it became difficult to focus, thoughts are running in all directions, but the project needed to be completed.

One can contribute it to age difference, or the amount of stress you are under that varies significantly from being a careless teenager vs a busy stay at home mom of 2. 

Yet when after doing a big research on how I can optimize my focus, and at the same time, serve others in the most authentic and efficient way, I found out that EMF radiation from household appliances and electronic devices plays a huge role as a degrading factor in your daily focus and has detrimental effects on your overall health. 

I started to create ORGONITE. And very quickly I realized that this is one of the most UNDERVALUED and underrated solutions to solving some of the immediate problems caused by EMF. 

I understand that not everyone is energy sensitive and EMF can affect everyone differently, but I can tell you for sure, there is a large group of people like me, who can consider themselves as HYPERSENSITIVE to EMF. Who physically feels better after unplugging WIFI router at night. Who feels less radiation and heat coming off of my cell phone when attaching orgonite to its back. Who feels those subtle yet powerful energies emitted by my orgonite necklace and feels the sphere of energy protection being near Orgonite pyramid. 

So yes, addressing the topic of this article, EMF hijacks your focus, the most valuable asset of your life. 

It’s ignorant not to start looking for the ways of protecting yourself and fighting for your brain and your focus. 

It will work NOT by adding more electronics to your body, whilst causing bigger problems. But by straightening your own body, your own nervous system, sometimes with the help of non invasive, natural and healing methods and techniques, and devices like Orgonite.

As someone who has been creating such devices since 2015, let me tell you, once starting protecting your energy, you won’t be able to go back to unconscious living of self destruction and ignorance. 

Unfortunately we live in times when ignorance is promoted and comes from the people with masters and doctors degrees in various fields. 

So look out for yourself and your loved ones. Be the one who stops the cycle of spiraling downwards. 

Be the most courageous and authentic SELF. 

And if you have any questions, know I am always here for you!

With Love, 

Elizaveta with