Tuesday, July 16, 2024

How to time travel using orgonite

 We perceive our reality very linear. What if we start seeing it with open mind and heart? What if it has so much more to offer than what we already know?

Orgonite is one of those things which mere existence widens your perception and makes you realize there is so much more to learn and experience. 

For those not familiar with them, orgonites are known to transform negative (lower vibrational) types of energy (DOR), and replace it with positive (higher vibrational) types of energy (POR) . Orgonite is used to cleanse negative energy and to counteract the effects electromagnetic waves have on our bodies. Regular users notice it helps improve the energy around them emotionally and spiritually, which in turn benefits physically. 

Orgonite is known for many properties. But not many people talking about Casimir Effect and Electrostriction. We will only learn about Casimir Effect in this article.

These effects can create a potential for quantum jumps and time traveling when you connect this technology with your mindset and work with it intentionally.

Time travel in the wide understanding is not what we do as souls. Time travel in soul terms is learning about our past lives and changing our perception of the past to shape most desirable future or reshape the traumatic past events.

Let’s learn a bit more about Casimir Effect.

Casimir effect
Casimir Effect, an effect rising from the quantum theory of electromagnetic radiation in which the energy present in the empty space between two object, primarily the metal plates. This is a zero-point energy effect. Basically, it’s when energy is created out of nothing (zero-point energy, also known as scalar energy) between two metal plates that are close to each other but not touching when placed in a vacuum. 
Applying this to an orgonite device, the various particles encompassed and resin inside your pyramid become the 2 plates mentioned in the Casimir effect. The charge given off by the metals, both accumulate and repel the surrounding ether (orgone, prana, chi, life force). 

Your nervous system and brain are extremely sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) from the environment. The scalar energy produced by the orgonite device via the Casimit effect, offers a field of protective shield around the body. 
Scalar energy radiates a network of harmonious and balanced energies. This energy is different than traditional understanding of energy in that it expands outwards in circles of energy rather than radiating as waves. This protective shield of scalar energy removes and neutralizes the effects of man-made frequencies (from cell phones, TV, computers, microwaves, cell towers, and other man-made technology) on the human body. 

So how do we use Orgonite technology to time travel?

Mental energy and focused energy of your mind is the most powerful tool when it comes to reshaping your reality. Coupled with orgonite it will most definitely bring you to your desired outcomes.

1. Make it your daily routine, make it easy, make it fun.

2. Turn on meditation music to set your mind to the right frequency 

3. Charge your water on an orgonite plate with both hands around your cup. Visualize energy streams going from earth through you into the universe, and back. 

4. Envision your best possible outcome for your situation and KNOW things are magically falling into place. Focus on this process and with your inner eyes see the energy inside your orgonite plate expanding, cleansing your energy body, quantum jumping you into your dream life. 

5. Quantum field that’s created inside your orgonite being activated by your focused intention.

6. Thank the Universe for the opportunities and things you wish to manifest as you already have it,

7. See the magic unfolding before your eyes.

Don’t forget to let me know when your dreams become your reality💋

Always yours,


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