Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Invisible Threat: Living in the Age of EMF


Everyone in today’s world knows that we are electro-magnetic beings. Our heart is electric, and our thoughts are magnetic. Our heart is a vortex – not only in the physical sense, but also on the energy level. There are many levels to our soul, but the ones we are mentioning here are the most prominent ones for the earthy realm, your astral body, mental body and your emotional body. 

Your heart moves the energy in the torus field motion, while connecting you with the lower realms and the higher realms. And your soul has to pull the information that it’s most resonant with from either direction.

 Everyone is talking about living in 5D, about raising vibration, connection with your higher self and manifesting from the best version of yourself. 

This information is everywhere and yet there are many people who can’t grasp the concept simply because they can’t experience it due to constant distractions and disruptions of their energy field.

See, as beings who have soul, we are a part of the divine energy, the God energy. We are created to live in harmony and to have the balance between our lower urges and our Higher Self. 

It won’t be a surprise to you if I say that there are groups of people who really want to keep humanity in the lower vibrations, in the state of constant survival mode, in fight or flight mode. To create a technocratic society is their ultimate dream. Society that is highly surveilled, controlled, dependent on their agenda. Society that utilizes technology as a way to control masses. 

As much as technology helps us to stay connected with the outside world, it does disrupt our own electromagnetic field. It disrupts the way our energy flows through our energy channels, it creates imbalances in the way the energy is distributed through our vital organs and chakra energy centers.

It shouldn’t scare you, but lead you to learning ways of self defense against these frequencies. 

It just makes sense to learn to protect our electromagnetic nature from any disruptions. 

The very simple way is to disconnect from electronic devices and to live out in the nature. But not everyone in our society is ready to take on this path. 

In the 10 years of researching Orgonite, I found that these small devices are really helpful in bringing you back to zero point energy by some very scientific processes that are happening within every piece. 

Casimir Effect is one of the most important properties of Orgonite that allow it to create Zero Point Energy field. You can read more about it HERE

Simply put, that’s what’s happening, 

Your nervous system and brain are extremely sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) from the environment. The scalar energy produced by the orgonite device via the Casimit effect, offers a field of protective shield around the body. 
Scalar energy radiates a network of harmonious and balanced energies. This energy is different than traditional understanding of energy in that it expands outwards in circles of energy rather than radiating as waves. This protective shield of scalar energy removes and neutralizes the effects of man-made frequencies (from cell phones, TV, computers, microwaves, cell towers, and other man-made technology) on the human body. 

Quantum field that’s created inside your Orgonite, is being activated by your focused intention due to another Orgonite property, Piezoelectricity, the programmable nature of Quartz Crystals. 

As an orgone artist, when I program Orgonite devices, I use high vibrational frequencies of solfegio tones (528Hz) and divine Reiki energy for protection and healing. 

There are many layers to this energy formula that works consistently, continuously and effectively. 

If you are one of those open minded people who is ready to take your energy protection to a whole new level and be able to rip other amazing benefits of orgonite, 

I am here for you, making magic happen at DYMONDCREATIONS.COM


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