Hello dear ones, it’s been a while!
We are living through crazy times, with political parties tearing people apart, with man made hurricanes that are created to interfere with elections, with information about wars and world problems weighting down on our shoulders, and yet we as lightworkers are trying to shine our light and be of help to humanity on daily basis.
So much is happening this year - but our heart is beating, our energy collectively rising despite evil forces teaming up and striking all over.
Our heart, the main reason evil has not won yet.
Our heart is electromagnetic. It is vortex not a pump. This electricity and magnetism are of Divine Nature. Heightened technology they pushing for, interact with your natural bodily electricity which is angelic.
5G, EMF devices degrade your energy, atrophy your high vibration and let the negative energy attachment to happen.
When our environment becomes charged with negative energy and microwave frequencies it’s becoming increasingly harder to focus on your Light, we fall in kind of a dormant state unable to process the reality and to see the world clearly for what it is.
With weakened energy system we can’t influence matrix around us, BUT the system can have a huge impact on us through the EMF radiation very easily. I will never stop fighting for energy freedom – that’s the most valuable currency today. Our free will, our focus.
We have to keep in mind that lower energy beings can ONLY enter this realm through electricity. And by shielding our energy from devices that vibe low (Phones, Routers, 5G, Smart meters, etc.) with Orgonite we protect not only our health and energy field, but save ourselves from negative entities attachments.
Use your devices wisely. Protect your energy.
Why orgonite is the needed medium to protect you from low vibrational electricity?
It mere structure is made up in the way to cleanse the energy but stopping positive ions, emitted by EMF devices. In fact, it it provides negative ions essential for our well being.
Find all the orgonite I create here: DymondCreations.com
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