Monday, July 22, 2024

What to do when low on energy

Our energy is the most valuable currency in the world. Everything we do in life directly reflects the amount of energy we have access to. Depression and anxiety, bad mood and mood swings are the indicators that your energy needs to be taking care of. 

Here are some ways you can improve your energy quality and correspondingly your life quality with. 

✨being true with ourselves

When we follow wrong goals and living life to please others, we blocking our energy flow and not being a clear channel for it to flow freely.

✨stop saving life for tomorrow

How often we store money away without clear purpose for it, limit our self expression, putting dreams away, not living in the now? 

We receive the energy for what we want it to be spent on, and block it by not following our heart.

✨working with blockages in the body on mental, emotional, energetical and physical level through therapy, coaching, meditation

✨use of healing devices : includes but not limited to 

Crystal healing

Clearing EMF and producing negative ions with Orgonite 

Sound healing/ singing bowls

Reiki healing

Using tuning forks

Personally I use and prefer Orgonite Crystal healing for its purity of vibration. Not only it cleanses the environment but also helps to raise energy level by helping to clear energy blockages in the body on the energy level through vibrational healing and on physical level by providing negative ions essential for our body. 

Find more of my healing Orgonite art on my Etsy at

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