Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Why I use Ankh symbol in Orgonite?

 ๐“‹น Why Ankh? Why Egyptian symbolism? I'm an Eastern European in the States and Egypt is somewhere in the middle between the two sides of the world I call home. 

๐“†ƒ But somehow looking at this gliph i feel connected to something larger than me, than world itself. 

๐“‚€ To tell you more, things started to fall into place for me when i started using Ankh made as Orgonite. 

๐ŸชทThis made me look deeper into its symbology and realizations were mind blowing. 

In general literature, Ankh is believed to represent life, vitality, and energy;

๐Ÿ”ฎ But in secret esoteric circles Ankhs energy is powerful for another reason: 

๐Ÿ’ซAnkh is one magical symbol that literally connects Heaven and Earth. It takes its beginning in the earthy plane, brings the energy upwards, loops around and anchors your manifestations and dreams in the Higher Planes, and brings that energy back, filled with power to make anything happen. 

With Orgonite it went when further extending and amplifying Ankhs power. 


✨because Orgone structure and piezoelectric effect of resin on quartz really helps to feel the power of crystal synergy and turns crystals in Orgonite into "batteries" that will amplify energy of the piece infinitely. 

✨because Orgonite structure is known for Casemir effect and zero point energy that gets created is powerful enough to make quantum jumps and quantum healing possible and on a huge scale, when work with Ankh consciously. 

๐Ÿ™ŒBy incorporating the Ankh into manifestation practices with orgonite, individuals may believe they can amplify their intentions and manifest their desires more effectively. It serves as a focal point for channeling energy and intention towards specific goals or manifestations.

Ankh Orgonite by DymondCreations

⚡This particular piece has also been hand painted and finished with resin for shine, and is 25% OFF $100 today with all other Egyptian pieces❤



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