Tuesday, October 10, 2017

New Beginnings, New ORGONE Necklaces & COUPON CODE for Etsy Shop

Hello, dear ones!
I hope you are doing great, and this month is bringing lots of inspiration for you, - according to many astrologer reports that I am reading every new/full moon, this month is all about TAKING ACTION. Taking those steps into the unknown that will bring you closer to your goal, to the understanding of what is your purpose here on Earth.
For me, this is so very true. I didn't expect from myself the things that I have done during the past couple of days, when I was acting out of pure inspiration.
One thing - I have always wanted to do this here, in United States (I've done similar thing in Russia) - and I have finally did it: I'm becoming Reiki certified specialist. Russian certifications don't really say much for English-speaking community, so I chose to take an online coarse under the lineage of  Lisa Powers, Reiki Master and Teacher.
Another thing... It was honestly a surprise even for myself.. but I have decided to make ASMR videos. Actually, I have been hearing this a lot - that my voice would be good for this. Don't worry, beloved ones, it won't be as simple as just presentation of different sounds that cause tingles. My channel is focusing on metaphysics and spirituality, so that's the same direction I am going to with my ASMR videos. More info on this in the next blog. Stay tuned:)
What did this month bring you to? Did it make you to take an action to do something you have been putting aside for a long time? Did it take you for the wildest adventure of your life? Did it bring you to new beginnings and made you to come up with crazy but genius decisions?
Whenever it is, it will be working out for your Highest Good and serve your soul purpose.. So - GO FOR IT!
Also, I have been working on some new creations for you.
I have posted some to Google+ already, but I will repost them here too, as well as a Coupon Code that you could use for getting these or other pieces from the www.DymondCreations.com Etsy shop.

BEPRESENT : Use this COUPON CODE TO RECEIVE 15% OFF any order of $25+

Wire Wrapped Cho Ku Rei Orgone Necklace with Blue Calcite, iolite, Blue Apatite & Shungite

This necklace has a symbol of CHO KU REI - "Place the power of the universe here".
The power symbol can be used to increase the power of Reiki. It can also be used for protection. See it as a light switch that has the intention to instantly boost your ability to channel Reiki energy.
Imagine the symbol in front of you and you will have instant access to more healing energies.
Some uses:
* Increase the power of your healing abilities;
* The Power symbol can be used to spiritually clean a room from negative energy;
* You can clean crystals and other objects from negative energies;
* Protect yourself from negative energies (from people you treat or people you meet);
* Since Reiki works on all different levels of existence it will naturally also give protection on all levels of existence.

This pendant aimed to work with Third eye and Throat chakras, helps in communication, manifestation of dreams and desires and is great for meditation and harmonization of any environment.

Orgone Necklace with Labradorite & Shungite, Reiki Crystals, EMF Protection, Stone of Mystics

Traditionally, labradorite is a gemstone regarded to pull good fortune. If worn as a pendant, its wearer is said to have a healthy body and a good fortune in his relationship.
Labradorite is a gemstone from Atlantis. If you have genes or a previous lifetime in Atlantis, this gemstone will awaken your sensory faculties of awareness, clairvoyance, ingenuity, and perception.

Ankh Orgone Accumulating Necklace, Black Sun Iron Oxide and Shungite Crystal necklace

This is an Orgone Piece containing the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph - The Ankh.
The Ankh was the Egyptian symbol of eternal life, and it was often carried around in the form of an amulet to symbolize this purpose.

Reiki Infused Orgone Pendant with Charoite, Moonstone, Peridot, Lepidolite, Pink Tourmaline, Clear Quartz, Shungite

~ Charoite is called a "Stone of Transformation" and is a stone of power. 
~ Lepidolite is known as a stone of transition. Use Lepidolite to reduce stress associated with change. 
~ Pink Tourmaline : the vibration of this lovely crystal brings love, joy and happiness into your life. 
~ Peridot has a friendly energy and is excellent for healing. It assists in rebirth and renewal of all kinds. Peridot also bring abundance and prosperity and happiness.
~ Moonstone brings hope, enhances feminine energies, sensitivity, intuition, and psychic abilities. It is also said to bring strong energies of abundance to one's life.Moonstone is a stone of protection. 

I hope you enjoyed this blog and my recent creations! 

I am so exited for the new beginnings that the life is bringing to us!

So much Love and Light your way!

Always yours, Elizaveta


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