Tuesday, October 24, 2017

WE ARE WHAT WE FEEL, Manifest What You Want into Your Life

Hello, dear souls!
Again, some time has passed since the last post. I've been a little sick with the virus, but now I am back to life, happy and healthy, wiser and more aware after this sickness..
Did you know that every health condition has something to tell us? It has a message to help us to get to who we truly are, it has some tips for us to become better, to vibrate higher..
Listen to your body, listen closely, with full attention.
Ask yourself in meditation, what your body has to tell you.. The answer will be there, I promise you.

Stay positive. This is the most crucial thing for some people. We are weak at times, and tend to fall into depressive mind states. But even then, we can choose what emotion we want to experience.

Emotions = what we manifesting into our life.

Yes, you read it right. Why do you think people like to read affirmations so much? Yes, the vibration of sound, or spoken word, it works wonders, but also because while reading these affirmations people experience the states of emotional uplift. On the energy level, these emotions are always getting registered and you manifest into your life things based on what you felt/feel, vibrated/vibrate.

Feeling, emotion = VIBRATION.

Working with energy, reading many books on the subject and gathering information from many sources lead me to this simple yet such difficult equation.
We are what we eat, we say this a lot, right?

But strangely not many people understand that WE ARE WHAT WE FEEL, too.

Once one gets this statement, he/she will start observing his/her own feelings closely and choose the emotional response and energy state they want to send to the world. Because - oh yes - they will get it back!

This information is so important, because it is the 1st and the most powerful step for any manifestation process.. Yes, visualizations and affirmations are wonderful, and they work, BUT they only work if your emotions are going along with your manifestation and do not contradict it.

That's why before trying to manifest anything into the reality, we have to know what WE want. Not parents/ friends/ society. Our own goals are something we feel in harmony with.
Feeling in harmony with your goal means to not have any negative emotions being associated with it; it is something that you feel truly excited about, EXCITEMENT is the feeling you get once you know what YOU want.

I really wanted to share this with you today, and I hope it will be helpful for some of you..

I have been into this knowledge for a while, and create devices that help you to stay in the desired emotional state for longer, they are known to dispel negativity and EMF radiation.

You can find my work at www.DymondCreations.com

So much Love your way,

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