Friday, September 29, 2017

DymondCreations: Orgonite or NOT

Hello dear souls!
I feel a bit hesitant writing this post - but I think I have to do it, and I will also do a video on this topic as well. I want to share with you not only my thoughts on this, but also my downloads I have been getting about it in one of my meditations. 
I also have to write about this because I got a few comments on my YouTube channel that were calling my art, and Orgonite concept a 'hoax'. And I have to clear something up here.
There is a lot of controversy going on about the Orgonite - there are believers and of course, there are people who doubt the whole concept.
There is Orgone energy - there is no doubt about this - ORGONE is also known as prana, life force, ki, chi, universal energy...   

I am not a scientist, and I got into the creation of my energy devices after my prayer to the Universe to show me the way to be of service to the humanity, and to find my niche in this life.
It was then, when I found out about the Orgonite and decided to start making it, just as my dreams and visions were calling me to.
Not being a tech person, I was always doing it by my heart feelings, and it has always felt right for me.
Of course, before making it, I researched the subject.
In his experiments, Wilhelm Reich, the scientist that discovered the force called 'orgone', alternated organic matter and inorganic matter to make Orgone energy accumulated in his device and directed to a person in need of healing.
So it looks like that:
I never had a doubt that my Creations are helping others: the reviews that people were leaving were talking louder than anything.
But once I received an email that the word "Orgonite" was coined by Karl Welz (Press the emphasized words to see the blog post I wrote about it). It was then, when I started to receive downloads in my meditations that I have to follow a different path with my art.

Because honestly, for me it is more about the crystals I add, about the Reiki energy I infused every device I make with, about the frequencies I play to enhance the vibration of the crystals and the other contents. The thoughts I am thinking during creation process.
Because to me - this is what is called ORGONE - the vibration that fills every bit of this world.  And I started adding some contents that I was told to add in my visions as well: Sage for protection, Rose Petals for the loving vibration, Shungite and Iron Oxide for Protection, healing and connection with inner Self.
I still think that original contents that lots of other creators add to their devices are working powerfully: VIDEO
  • I have always been a big fan of adding Clear Quartz Crystal for its programming properties. It "inhales" the vibrations that it was charged with during the making process, and gives it off to the person who wears the device, and even more to the one, who consciously connects with it (see my VIDEO about connecting with your energy device or a crystal). 
  • I never leave any device without a Copper coil, 1st of all, for its conductive properties, and 2nd, for its ability to create energy movement within the device.
  • And yes, I always try to keep the structure: the alternation of Organic and InOrganic material.
So, really, it doesn't matter for me if people call my creations Orgonite, Orgone device, Crystal Necklaces, Organite, or anything else: it really is an energy device that I am charging with healing and raising one's vibration, frequencies and always making with Highest Love I can generate within my being...

I hope this was helpful in some way to you, dear reader!
Sending so much Love and Light your way,
The creator at

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