I hope your day is going well!
I have been posting a lot about our personal vibration. Yes, it is that important : we have to keep reminding each other to be in the frequency of Love and Gratitude.
Governments are trying to silence us as a whole. News are making you dwelling on fear. They poison you from the above and from the inside with gmo food.
Yes, it all exists. But there is one important truth:
We can still be happy. Don't fear the fear.As spiritual beings we always catch ourselves on the thought that we have to be in the frequency of Light, and if we are not, it gets frustrating as we are trying not to fear to loose the grip of that vibration.
Don't fear the fear. Accept it. Let it be. And focus on something that really needs your attention - bring joy in every moment. Be present.
Once we accept something in our reality, once we let it be, we stop paying our attention to it = we don't "feed" it with our energy. It goes away. Yes, that's how it works. Give it a try!
So here is a TIP for all of us: as soon as we start getting out of the Light vibe, let's think about being here, being in the NOW, try to enjoy whatever we are doing RIGHT NOW.
Working in the garden? Think of how beautiful it is outside and how clean the air is. Driving hours in the car? At least you have the car and the ability yo go where you want to! Cooking for your family? Do it with love, your loved ones will appreciate it, the food will taste better.
Worrying about your bills? Think about ways to minimize it, ask the Universe to send you ideas on how to make more money. And it will. Our prayers are always heard. Let's have ears and eyes to see angel's messages...
Being in the NOW will automatically bring you in the ZONE of Love. You will notice that fear steppes back. That synchronicities are happening more and more often.
and, by the way,
"Fear is not your enemy. It is a compass pointing to the areas where you need to grow."(Steve Pavlina)
Remember that.
And always be Grateful. Keep your Gratitude journal. Start your morning with remembering all things you are grateful for (mention even smallest ones!), and go to sleep every night thinking of each thing you are grateful for today.
So Much Love your way!
Always yours,
Orgone Creator at WWW.DYMONDCREATIONS.COM and lightworker.
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