Sunday, April 23, 2017

Motivational Tips + New ORGONE Creations, Shop Update + COUPON CODE!

Hello, dear ones!

Happy Earth Day! (it was yesterday, but our wonderful nurturing and caring Mother Earth has to be cherished every day!).

I've been into many projects recently, including working on the creation of Orgone devices, and many amazing reads, that motivate and help to get through every day with a huge smile on my face and the access to the unlimited energy potential that we are available to at any given moment, we just have to learn how to open ourselves up to it. Motivation and Purpose are the KEY to success. By getting a purpose you are already on the road to success. Just remember not to get discouraged and keep going, focusing on the process rather than on a final imaginary result. The process = being PRESENT. Just a tip:)

"Your life is right now. It's not later. It's not in that time of retirement. It's not when the lover gets here. It's not when you've moved into the new house. It's not when you get the better job. Your life is right now. It will always be right now. You might as well decide to start enjoying your life right now, because it's not ever going to get better than right now—until it gets better right now. the way you're responding emotionally to your life right now, is the basis of what is to come." (Esther Hicks, ThinkGrowProsper)

I have been experimenting with different shape, as you can tell visiting my Etsy store. 

I want to be create a piece for every person who is in need for a special protective energy device, but I want it to reflect your vision as well. That's why so many shapes.

I started using Shungite as well. Those Orgone creations you will see below, all have powerful Shungite (I wrote about it in my previous post) , incorporated into its structure.

Here are they are:) I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Divine Orgone Paperweight with Danburite, Shungite, Fluorite pyramids, Amethyst, Rose Petals, Reiki Healing, Rare Crystals, EMF Protection

This is one of the new shapes I decided to work with, and I am absolutely in love. Not only because of its sacred geometry meaning, but also because it makes such a wonderful piece of art to look at.
In this Orgone piece I have combined crystals and contents that, when mixed together, create amazing energy field of Love, promote healing and Divine connection.  
~ Rare crystals of Danburite are wonderful and powerful stones that help sharpen the awareness and help to connect with guides and beings from Angelic realms.  
 ~ Shungite is #1 crystal to help to get rid of harmful emf radiation - it is known for having diamagnetic shielding proprieties (basically this just means it reverses magnetic fields & creates an energy shield).   
~ I also added Rose petals that I gathered in one meaningful day for me, that was filled with amazing loving energy. It adds such a loving feel to the Orgone, and anyone who is energy sensitive, may sense it while around it.

  Ankh Orgone Accumulating Necklace, Black Sun Iron Oxide and Shungite Crystal necklace

This is an Orgone Piece containing the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph - The Ankh.
The Ankh was the Egyptian symbol of eternal life, and it was often carried around in the form of an amulet to symbolize this purpose.
Use this pendant as a tool to align the energies of the bodily chakras and bring them into an equal alignment. You may work with the pendant consciously, or receive passive healing just from wearing it.

 All Chakra Egyptian Pharaoh Orgone Necklace, Reiki Healing, Psychic Pritection

 Transformation Orgone Necklace with Bismuth for Empaths

This Orgone Necklace is made with very powerful Bismuth crystal.
I just started working with Bismuth and amazed with its wonderful and strong energies. With Bismuth energy gets transformed from the crown chakra to the base chakra, which is something other stones don’t do. It can be used on all chakras. It is one of the most diamagnetic metals, which means it is repelled by magnetic fields. It is a very powerful grounding metal - perfect for empaths.

Crown Chakra Activation Orgonite with Amethyst Crystals, Sacred Geometry Spiritual Jewelry

The crown chakra is the center for trust, devotion, inspiration, happiness, and positivity. It's also the center for deeper connection with ourselves and deeper connection with a force of life that is greater than ourselves. For this reason, it can be quite useful to have tools to open the crown chakra.
 This is one of the new Orgonites that contain sacred geometry grid in it.
This powerful Orgonite pendant will protect you from EMF radiation, will help in balancing and harmonizing energies, while connecting mind, body and spirit as one, activating your Chi channels and clearing all the negative energy in your body and around you. It will bring love, awareness and luck into your life.

 Heart Chakra Healing Rose Quartz & Pink Tourmaline Orgone Earrings: Emf Protection, Reiki Infused Jewelry

The heart chakra - the wellspring of love, warmth, compassion, and joy is located in the center of the chest at the heart level. Anahata moves love through your life. The energy of anahata allows us to recognize that we are part of something larger, that we are interconnected within an intricate web of relationships extending through life and the universe. Anahata allows us to recognize and get in touch with the sacred and fundamental truth that runs through all of life and connects everything together.
The "way of the heart" or the "path of the heart" is living your life from this energy center of love.
It means living your life with loving kindness and compassion towards others. It means that your heart is open to others and you inspire kindness and compassion in others. You create safe and supportive environment.
Rose quartz represents the heart chakra. Used to open Heart center and heal. The seemingly universal rose quartz meaning calls it the stone of the heart. It’s good for aiding sleep and alleviating the physical ills associated with heart chakra imbalance. It’s also used to calm emotions, dispel negativity, and promote peace.
Pink Tourmaline has a beautiful energy that vibrates within both the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra, or thymus chakra. Like most heart based stones, the vibration of this lovely crystal brings an influx of love, joy and happiness into your life.

I hope these creations resonated with you:)

If you were looking for more intriguing shapes and meanings, please visit WWW.DYMONDCREATIONS.COM

You can use 15% OFF Coupon Code BEPRESENT (min purchase $25)

With so much Love and Light to You,


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