Saturday, April 29, 2017


Hello dear friends in Light!
I made my previous post on Healing from Fear and Being Present , and in today's blog I wanted to elaborate on the ways you can prolong your "stay" in the vibration of Light.
Penney Pierce in one of her books, "Frequency", mentions one of the best ways on how to get back to your light, she calls it "home frequency", a vibration of Love that we all belong to. We are star beings beings, we were sent to Earth to grow and develop new perceptions, new ways of expressing ourselves and Divine energy of Love.

When life becomes cumbersome, when feelings of fear, anger, disrepair come around, or when you feel too overwhelmed with emotions and routine, think about yourself as a chamber of Light. Your body, to what you used to so much, do you feel it? Feel into it. Listen to your own breath, feel your blood pumping up and down.
 Imagine the tunnel of Light that connects you with the mother Earth and going upward to the Universe. You will feel a relief. You ARE taken care of. Millions of angels are there to help you upon your request. You are safe, you are at home.

That is how you tap into it inside of your being. There are many other ways too, but this is one that connects me with my Higher Self very efficiently and quickly most of the times. Sometimes I don't even have to get into meditative state - I can do it on the go, whenever I feel I need it - and I need it many times a day:)

You are one with the world. But still there are vibrations of people and places around you that sometimes do not match your frequency. And sometimes it affects your state, unfortunately. But there are ways to protect yourself against negativity and negative entities too.

First of all, you will only be affected by anything of negative nature if you allow yourself to. When we let fear into our being we become vulnerable and allow for all kinds of negative beings to get into our energy field. So SHINE YOUR LIGHT brighter! Accept the fear and ALWAYS know that Light is WAY MORE POWERFUL.

Surround yourself with crystals and charms that resonate with you and protect you.
I prefer to have Selenite, Citrine, Amethyst and Shungite crystals around, as well as ORGONE devices that I started creating in order to protect myself and my family from psychic attacks and negative entities (it also protects from harmful EMF's that interfere with our energy field and may weaken our defense system). You can look at my Orgone devices (that I am making into jewelry pieces and incorporate powerful and rare crystals in them to make sure they with create strong protective properties) at WWW.DYMONDCREATIONS.COM
 I can also create custom piece in accordance with your intention.

How do you know if it resonates with you? As soon as you see it, you will have the urge to have it. The feeling that is subtle yet strong enough to notice it. Listen to yourself.

So much Love and Healing Energy to you,

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