Thursday, April 16, 2020

Love, Hate and Ignoring. What WORKS?

Hello dear ones!
This COVID19 has everyone worrying about one thing or another, whether it is bills, health issues or freedom of choice, or everything at once.
It is very hard not to think of these things when it is all around us.. But in this message I wanted to share a big secret with you: We really have to start ignoring negative things in order to change our reality and go onto a new timeline that is more in tune with what we really want from our life. 

You are not going into denial: instead, you stop feeding your energy to what you don't want in your life.

Have you ever heard of dr Masaru Emoto's rise experiments? Japanese scientist used 3 jars with cooked rice. One jar was given thoughts of Love, 2nd one was said "you are an idiot" and was sent bad energy, and the last jar was ignored.
Guess what happened? The 1st jar even after a few weeks wasn't smelling too bad. 2nd jar had a bad smell but not disgusting. But the rice in the 3rd jar turned black and its odor was unbearable. 

The goal of the experiment is to show that a person's attitude towards anything, even rice, affects what happens to it.

This knowledge really changes everything we know about the world we live in. If your thoughts and attitude towards things has such an affect on everything just imagine how you can use it to your advantage!
Love is an incredible energy that really makes everything flourish.. Hate and negativity is also a very strong energy that changes reality - it is an energy that is charged, so it has some power. What about ignoring? it has no charge. It doesn't "feed" things with either positive or negative charge. 

Once you start ignoring what is not working out for you, and bring most of your attention to what you want, your life will start changing.

“You are ruled by circumstances and it will always be like that until you learn how to manage your reality,” says Vadim Zeland, the author of "Reality Transurfing"

Know that you are the POWER. You are the one responsible for your own life. You are agreeing to live your life the way others made it unless you stop giving all your attention to it, and start thinking for yourself. 

I hope this information help you today and every day!

Know that if you ever need Reiki support and healing crystals and Orgone devices, I am lovingly create them for you, and they can be viewed and purchased on my Etsy:

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