Monday, March 23, 2020

New Moon vibes, New Creations, Orgone Healing Devices, SALE

Hello beloved ones!So many things are happening right now, and many may feel overwhelmed with many conflicting feelings..We all may be going through different life circumstances, and the quarantine caught some of us in the least favorable places.. But I just want to tell you - stay calm. No matter what is going on on the outside, try to stay in the eye of the storm, be the observer, do one thing at a time, believe in the Divine plan for you, and step by step, with the prayer in your mind, you will overcome all the obstacles that have arisen around you.It is time to start a new chapter, agree that new beginnings are inevitable and enjoy the ride.I feel that this time is given to us to recharge and rebuild. Things are going to get better once all the bad is cleansed - and it's happening, NOW. We live in very unusual times and the most important thing is to learn how to adopt and be the most authentic version of ourselves as we can.. Sending all of you love and healing, dear souls..

I am being very productive these days. As my work closed down for the quarantine (right on time, I have to say, as I am 36 weeks pregnant), I finally got all the time I wanted and needed to work on new Orgone jewelry and meditation devices for you. I spend more time meditating, listen to high vibe music, enjoy nature, and I feel like all of this healing energy is feeling me and every creation I am working on these days. They have always been powerful and had many healing properties to them, but what I am working now, is really special. If you are an intuitive, take a look at my page, and you will most likely pinpoint the most recent ones right away for their extra calming vibration.I will list some below. Please enjoy and know that I am giving all my soul and fill each creation with Love and Light that is being generously poured from my heart..
Many of the creations are on SALE right now, as well!!!

Crystal DRAGON Orgone Paperweight, Chakra Healing, Reiki Infused, EMF Protection, Methaphysical Healing

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