Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Sacred space is all we need

Hello dear ones..
I am welcoming new friends who entered my blog! And I am hoping this message will help you today..
It really feels these days like the veil between our reality and unseen ones is thinning. Me and my 6 year old daughter both seeing sparkles in the air, which I identify as the life-force, the energy that all is made of, and it is becoming visible these days. My daughter calls it "angel presence".
Madam Blavatskaya mentioned in one of her studies that the time will come when the realities - unseen ones and our material world - will come close to each other.  Sensitive souls can sense this merging already.

We can see this tendency all around us - the world is being shaken and we see truth clearly now, we can see through the deception that we lived in before. Occult practices that are being done by many of those who are in power, this all just tells us - we have come to an age and time when the veil is so thin, we can directly influence the material world by communicating with the other side. The choice is ours - is it the Light or the Dark side that we want to devote our lives to..

We can start influencing the world right now - our thoughts and emotions are the tools.

Use them right.

Create a sacred space where you can meditate.. Light some candles, set the intention.. When we create a sacred space in the outer world, we are creating a proper vibration to carry our intentions and manifestations into the Universe.

I like to use my crystals and Orgone devices to create that space. My Methatron's cube board is the perfect ceremonial ground where I lay my crystal and Orgone jewels, where I place my candles.

This rituals bring my power back to me.
I always add things to my altar, things that fill me with harmony and peace. I don't see the contradiction between my Christian believes, my love of crystals, my energy work, and my healing practices. These is one Universal power that I call God, but there are definitely an energy beings that are known to us as Jesus and Mary. There are other energy entities that are of Light and are wanting to help us in our growth. It all comes together as one piece for me, and makes me who I am.

That's the beauty of our times - if we can discern for ourselves we can get all the help we need.

I don't see Christianity as my sole religion any more. I know that churches need to have power over people.. That Christian egregor needs our energy to survive, just like any other one.. And it is ok. The more we know the better we can navigate through this reality.

As long as we know that there is a place we can find within us where we connect with our own soul, with the Universe - we are in a great shape.
If we are lost and depressed that link is broken and then we are going in circles looking for that connection elsewhere, and ultimately come to Self knowledge.

It was just a blog, and some thoughts for today, but I am glad if you can resonate and found it helpful in some way!

As always , I am always here if you need me to create a special Orgonite piece for you. Please take a look at my Etsy shop at

It is my greatest pleasure to be of service to you!


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