Sunday, May 19, 2019

Manifest Everything You Desire

The more energy we put into something, the more is the outcome. Have you notice how your attention draws everything straight to you? Information, events, people, things.. We call it the law of manifestation, or, simply speaking, the law of attraction.

Everyone knows about it right? But in life, even with all this knowledge, we get confused on how to use it all the time. And I am not here to tell you that I know the answer. Because I am myself get confused with all the time. I don't get what I want way too often. I am receiving things that feel way too familiar in the way they feel. But I think I definitely know - Why. Because I don't change the vibration. As soon as you change the way you feel about yourself or situation, it changes, it flips on you like a double sided jacket.

EMOTIONS are the KEYS to getting all we want. And they are the hardest part to do - you can't fake the way you feel - because they are not under our control most of the times. 

But there is one thing we all need to know: emotions are the most simple indicators of our current vibration. If we are conscious about how we feel, we can take the control wheel in our own hands rather than letting the outside world and random situations to control who we are and how we supposed to feel. 

But we are all people and it is normal to slide down in our vibration. That's why we create rituals, that's why we search for good luck charms. We all need that starting point that takes us to THAT FEELING that empowers us. That holds a space for us. Some people are like that - no matter what life throws at them, they hold the space for others (sometimes not for themselves). Many of us are like that on this planet. And the more conscious we are about it, the more control we have over the emotions and the way we want to feel.

One day when I started creating Orgone devices I realized that my own energy, as well as Reiki, could serve many others, particularly the intention that is crystallized in resin, powered up by high vibe crystals, healing herbs and moved outward by copper coils.

The extensive research that was done by Wilhelm Reich about Orgonite structure and orgone energy seemed like an incredible vessel for what I was going for.

Now, when I need to manifest something in my life, I gather my special Orgone creations, crystals, and charms. I create a sacred space, light up the candles, burn sage or sweet grass. And then I meditate, letting the power of my intention to change the world around me, letting my emotions just be, and at the same time staying in control of them, knowing what are the triggers for every vibration I emit. It works wonders, I would totally recommend it to everyone.

When I create my Orgone devices, I do exactly the same, with one exception: I hold the place for YOU, I bring the intention for the greater good of the owner of my creations to-be.

It all starts with us. With our conscious effort to be the Divine vessel of healing frequency.

I hope this information help you on your journey. Please let me know in the comments below what are your ways of returning to that KEY-point where you FEEL most powerful!

Here are the most recent ones I have created:)

If you want to see my high vibe creations, visit 

As always, all my Love your way,


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