Monday, September 24, 2018

We Are WHAT WE THINK, Wisdom from Dolores Cannon

Hello, dear ones!
I hope your day is going beautifully and you are enjoying your life to the fullest! And if not, you better start thinking in a positive direction, as WE ARE WHAT WE THINK.  We all came to this reality to explore life, to learn new things, ways of behavior, etc. It is a school for growing into our Light, school that helps us remember WHO we are on the 1st place - shiny God particles spread out through the multiple Universes. If this fact doesn't put you into a positive mindset, you need to do some serious soul digging, and researching to make sure you come to this conclusion. That's where the ascension starts, where the soul growth begins.

I love watching DOLORES CANNON YouTube lections and reading her books. She is one of a kind soul researchers with 40+ years of experience in hypnoses therapy, with thousands of past life regression cases that prove : we are one with the SOURCE, we are here to learn, there is no good or bad, there is only learning. Life is not limited to current existence, and we are here to explore our possibilities that are endless.

Here is one of her videos that contains a lot of knowledge and wisdom that you will love:
For me, her information is not only fills in the blanks in many theological theories that are circulating on the web, but it also serves as an approval for many intuitive flashbacks and downloads that I had in my life and that molded my believe system in the beautiful place of Harmony and Love it is right now.

She has written many books and recorded many videos on the subject of past lives and soul growth, her input into spirituality can not be underestimated.

I hope it will be helpful on your journey in some way!!!

All My Love your way,

1 comment:

  1. very intresting thank you 4 that. hope your days are filled with peace understanding and harmony. have a bee you t full days
