Hello dear ones!
Another Full Moon is approaching and so is the time for releasing anything that is no longer serves us..
It is the closest full moon to the September autumn equinox in the Northern Hemisphere (Sep, 22).
The Equinox is also a significant turning point in the astrological year, and represents the half way mark as the Sun journey’s through the 12 different constellations.
With the changing of the seasons, there is also a shift in the flow and direction of energy.
What is above, so is below, and the nature is perfectly representing it.
..energy starts to move inward and we are encouraged to release and let go of all that no longer serves us. We see this mirrored in nature as the trees begin to shed their leaves and as the weather becomes cooler. We have less hours of light and more hours of darkness. (Tanaaz)
We tend to get more intuitive during the winter months, and with tomorrow's Autumn Equinox comes the time to start looking deeper into your self.
Full moon is a very emotional time as a lot of subconscious memories are being surfaced. To deal with emotions, one may try to raise one's vibration by getting close to nature, creating art and writing. But one thing that has always worked for me is a Pain Burning Ritual that works each time and helps to move forward if I feel stuck.
Make sure to use smudging herbs and crystals or Orgone devices to create sacred space for this ritual.
Sacred Space: Create a sacred space and arrange a time to perform the ceremony (preferably at nighttime and outdoors under the moonlight). Make sure you are not being interrupted or distracted. It is YOUR special time for Healing.
Preparation: Write down on separate slips of paper the things you want to release or change.
You may need a fire-proof cauldron or cooking pot to toss the burning paper inside, a candle with matches or a lighter, water (to put out the fire afterward), and smudging herbs for cleansing.
Ceremony: Read out loud the words you have written on paper. Set your intention to release things that are not working for your Highest Good anymore. Set it on fire and place it in the cauldron. Remember that our words have power. Saying "be Gone" audibly and loudly can be very freeing.
This is it! You will see shortly that your life start changing as the things that were hurting you, that were diminishing the quality of your life, are gone now.
This ritual not only will help you to get rid of subconscious baggage you were dragging along for a while, but it also will clear your energy field - FIRE is the cleansing life force that will certainly release all stagnant energy from your aura as well.
Use Orgone devices to make sure your intention is clear of anything negative.
Orgone creations will straighten your intention, clear your mind and help you to focus exactly on what you need, and get that energy into the Universe with the power of Crystals and coils.
If you are in search of Orgone devices, please visit my ETSY shop. For many years I have been creating powerful Orgone generators for you with the most healing intentions.

All My Love your way,
Elizaveta Dymond
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