Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Most Powerful Manifestation Tool

 How many times do you catch yourself daydreaming about things your really want but your inner critic keeps repeating that it's impossible, difficult to achieve, that circomsrances are not favorable and that no one will support you/ your idea/ product..

There are so many books from best selling authors and self proclaimed coaches. So much advice in the informational field starting from brainstorming on the steps to turn your dream into a goal, to the law of attraction affirmations and "dream hard" techniques. 

It all works - it won't be so widely spoken of if it didn't. 

But not many people know - whatever dream you want to make a reality, it all starts with your energy. Particularly - with grounding higher energy codes into the physical plane.  

Some people do it intuitively, others by accident, and only a small percent of people knows how to consciously kick start any manifesting process.

Our thought is a powerful tool that is capable of travelling through multiple realms and dimensions. It's widely known that training your thought process can help you tap into desirable timeline and even jump timelines when applicable. 

But ungrounded thought is merely a fire spark dying out in the velvet darkness of a night sky. 

What do we do to give it weight, to make the spark into a fire? 

If you are new to energy practices and meditation it make take some time to learn focused thinking. 

You can take a shorter route and help yourself by using crystals and energy devices such as Orgonite to help yourself focus.  Orgonite is known to clear negativity and any harmful electromagnetic radiation to free your space from frequencies that clutter your thought process and bring in clarity on what you need to focus in the moment. 

But whether you are new to meditation or a pro with years of experience in tapping into higher realms, you should know it always takes a conscious effort to become a clear channel. Orgonite will amplify your energy and funnel it where your attention goes. If your attention is on undesired outcome, you are the only one to blame when you get to see it in your reality. 

Grounding could be best done through earthing yourself ( by walking barefoot and being around nature/ animals), or by an energy practice that involves strong visualization skills.

Through research and diligent energy practices and routines over the years I found that using sacred knowledge of ancient symbology is very helpful in grounding my ideas and bringing light codes from the Higher Spheres to help me manifest many things I desired. 

One of these symbols is Ankh. Another one - Metatrons Cube

Ankh is a sacred symbol that works amazing for any contactee work or manifestation practices. The shape takes its beginning in your reality, then takes this energy upwards, loops around anchoring higher dimensions and bringing these high vibes to the Earthy planes. Made as Orgonite that is a healing modality on its own.

Metatron's Cube contains all of the geometric shapes in God's creation and represents the patterns that make up everything God has made. Metatron's cube contains every shape that exists in the universe God has created, and those shapes are the building blocks of all physical matter, which are known as Platonic solids (because the philosopher Plato linked them to the spirit world of heaven and the physical elements on Earth). Those three-dimensional shapes appear throughout creation, in all everything from crystals to human DNA. Metatrons CubeMetatron’s Cube is composed of 13 spheres held together by lines from the midpoint of each sphere. The spheres of Metatron’s Cube represent the ‘Feminine’ whilst the straight lines represent the ‘Masculine’. Thus Metatron’s Cube represents the weaving together of the Male & Female polarities to create the ONENESS field of the infinite ALL.

In my art I learned to combine healing properties with sacred meanings and I am so humbled to see many reviews on my Etsy from people working with these powerful energy devices and getting amazing results. 

Here is one of the most powerful devices I ever learned to work with and sharing with you now


Here is also a 20% OFF code for my beautiful blog readers❤๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™Œ: use code ANGELLOVE at checkout 

Also please check out my post on meditating with Ankh: 


Please share what work best for your manifestation practices! 

I hope you learned something new and something interesting today!

Whether or not you will be using crystals and Orgonite for grounding purposed and amplifying the energy and clearing your focus and environment, please always check if your dream and desire ready to be included in your manifestation practices, comes from a genuine and sincere place - but this is another blog topic, let me know if you are inrerested to learn more about it๐Ÿ™Œ✨

Always yours, 


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