Sunday, September 11, 2022

Ankh symbol meditation and orgone practices.

How many times you saw Ankh symbol popping up here and there on social media? Have you ever gave thought why is it so popular? What is the meaning of it?

As described by Cleopatra Egypt Tours 

Ankh, It is formed, starting from the top, by a circle, symbol of that which has no beginning and no end, and which represents the celestial world, the spirit of Ra, the Sun God for the ancient Egyptians; this circle also serves as the handle of the key, from where it is carried by the godswho carry it. It rests on the Earth, like the Sun on the horizon, when it sets or rises.

This Key also opens the doors of the world of the dead and penetrates the hidden meaning of eternity. In funeral ceremonies, taken by the handle, it is the key to the doors of the tomb and, placed between the eyes, it is an obligation of secrecy.

Personally I love working with this shape because I feel connected with its energy. Whenever  I have this symbol around I feel more energized and powerful. I feel like I can move mountains. 

Orgone structure is what makes it so powerful, too! It contains 2 layers, made up of organic and inorganic material which is known for purifying the energy (according to research of Wilhelm Reich), Shungite and Selenite that are cleansing and purifying minerals, as well as healing intent that each orgonite is charged with while curing. 

Here is a simple meditation practice with your orgonite Ankh, aimed to connect with spirituality or divine healing energy.

Meditation begins by concentrating on the breath (take 3 deep breaths and then let your body breathe on its own), when you feel you are focused on the present moment, visualize white light around you.

Then, you begin to glimpse at the figure of an Ankh or Egyptian cross, imaging it is beaming with pure white light, emanating vibrations of peace and health towards you. Receive the energy with gratitude.

This exercise should not take longer than 5 minutes. Return to the present moment, again focusing on your breathing.

Large 8" Druzy All Chakra Crystal Ankh Orgone Wand

Ankh Orgone Mala Necklace, Self Love Crystal necklace, Egyptian Symbolism, EMF and 5G Protection

These and a few more are available right now and are 20% off ❤️
With Love and Light, 

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