Sunday, March 20, 2022

Simple Techniques to Protect your Energy from 5G and Harmful EMFs


You are always being guided and led by higher beings. All we have to do is listen to their subtle voice that always there to discern truth from lies. 

In this modern reality it has become extra hard for many of us to hear this voice due to excessive EMF frequencies we are bombarded with in our day to day lives. Even a 100 years ago people were not as easily susceptible for internal manipulation as today. Some of those frequencies may contain subliminal electromagnetic tones to make people sick or to disrupt certain processes in our brain. 

That’s why it has become so easy to spread (for those who own main stream media) and to trust (for those who watch it) these narratives that they want us to believe and pour our energy into. 

Today more then ever we have to learn how to ground our energy.

How do you do that? You can use these steps that work for me. These simple techniques will help you to focus on your own discernment and won’t let you to be manipulated by outside frequencies.

  • You can spend more time outdoors - walking, running, sun gazing, listening to the nature sounds. If its hard to do in a big city, try to plan nature gateways on the weekends, and use any time you are being outdoors to connect with nature spirits.  I call upon air fairies to clean the skies above me from harmful chemtrails and to fill the air with light. Ask your guides and Angels to create protective field of healing energy that will dispel anything foreign and harmful.
  •  Feel the upward and downward energy streams to connect with the Earth and the Universe, to feel as ONE with all that is. For this technique position your feet on the floor (or ground if outdoors) and start pulling the energy through your body from the core of the Earth into the Cosmos (on the inhale) and from the Universe into the Earth through you (on the exhale). You will feel strong currents of energy that start to surround you and move through you. This will protect you from harmful frequencies that go against human nature. 
  • When around areas where they have 5G towers practice “mirror ” technique. Imagine yourself wrapped in Light that covers you from head to bottom into reflective particles that mirror every harmful frequency and send it back to whatever sends it to you. You may feel strong cocoon type of energy when you do that. Trust the process and know that whatever you practice works. 
  • Make sure to turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when possible. Turn off every device that emits emf frequencies for the night.
  • Orgone devices have strong protective mechanism that creates protective layer and help you focus by dispelling negative frequencies. Make sure to protect yourself and your home by getting Orgonite from any source that you trust. I create devices for myself and my family and also have some for sale on my Etsy
These simple techniques are really working for me and I hope you find them useful too!

As always sending you infinite Light!

Elizaveta Dymond

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