Tuesday, February 8, 2022

How to follow your Heart

We live our lives and lots of us keep questioning themselves every day: am I living from my heart? Am I living my life to the fullest? Do I do what I love? Does my life and my actions leave any positive and memorable impact on people around me? 

Only several people out of a 100 can say YES to these questions. We play into others' scenarios of our life and can’t discern where there is an end to “their” words and where start YOURS.

Indeed, there are many things that you are good at. But there is always a SPARK to every person that makes the world go around them, that makes you wake up with a grateful heart every morning, 

The hardest part is to admit that you are living in illusion; To separate layers of programming from your heart-felt desire. 

How is it done? 

Remember what was your passion when you were a child? Sometimes the answer is there right on the top.

Sometimes you have to try new things to see what feels right, what sparks your heart. 

Many times there is fear that is associated with what feels good. There are excuses. There is procrastination. GO into your fear. When you choose to be fearless you will find YOU on the other side of your fears. 

Ask your guides and angels for support. They are always there and ready to help and once you ask them the answer will come. Follow the signs and information will flow into your life. 

Once you start following YOUR path it may hurt others feelings. Because when we choose OURSELVES we take charge of our own energy. Those who have been sucking it out of you by supporting your life in illusion because it was benefiting them, will feel it and will try to stop you. Do YOU. Choose YOU. 

When you start living from your heart you will notice the life will slowly turn into your vision of it. The money will come for what you need. Think of the law of attraction: the energy flows where attention goes. Money is energy. And when your attention is on YOU, energy (as well as money energy) will flow directly or indirectly to you.

Just felt like sharing this advice with you today. When i feel stuck that's what I do. I write down my fears and i see which fear is going to be debunked today. It always works like magic. Well, it is magic;) 

There is so much Light on the other side of your fears.. Try it..

Always yours,



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