Monday, September 6, 2021

Practical STEPS to start living the life of your DREAMS

 GOALS and their REALIZATION: where our ENERGY goes.

Hello beautiful souls!

Have you ever heard the saying “Energy goes where attention flows”? 

Well if we elaborate this saying we will learn that in our day-to-day life we don’t spend much time pursuing our own goals. Half of our lives we may have been taking societal expectations and expectations of our parents for our own goals and calling. The other half we spent not even realizing we have a goal and have been simply following the flow of life. 

Moreover, your energy level has been having wild swings and that wasn’t doing you and your choices any good. 

Our energy - is the most priceless resource on this planet. 

Depending on your energy, we can be successful or not, healthy or sick, happy or depressed. 

Today, I’d like you to start taking responsibility for the direction your energy is being sent. 

Today, I’d like you to start a new chapter of your life. A chapter where you are going to be fully present with yourself and find what truly is YOU. 

The big question is always the same: where to start?

Well, here is the solution.

First you need to realize what is it that is of the greatest importance to you. We are going to work on it in this blog post. In the next blog (stay tuned! ) we will discuss the most sufficient ways to up your energy.

Start an energy journal (could be a fancy one, could be a stack of lined papers you had laying around for decades). 

1. Start brainstorming on what you like to do the most (even if it’s always been something your family/friends/societal norms didn’t approve). Write it all out in your journal. 

2. Write out your goals. Focus on the most needed one to be achieved. 

3. Break your goal down on steps. What needs to be done 1st? Second? 3rd, etc.

4. Try to come up with 14 mini - steps for the next 14 days starting today. These steps will bring you closer and closer to your goal. Don’t worry if it seems you are unable to do it. In a few days the Universe will start taking care of your needs since you put so much energy in it.

5. Here is the main thing you have to do EVERY MORNING. EVERY SINGLE MORNING, YOU GUYS!

Write out an INTENTION  for the day and break it down to 
1) the way you are going to FEEL TODAY (in present time, without word WILL)


Ex. : I am a happy and successful person, and today I am having 5 sales. Every day a different intention and feel/deed

Don’t worry if things don’t arrive to you the same day. It may take a few days, as long as you are working on your energy journal. 


In my next post I will give you some AMAZING tips on how to work on your energy to get it all done!

As always , 

All my love your way!

Check out my energy jewelry at


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