It was great spending Mercury Retrograde days relaxing hahah:)
Now I'm back, renewed, refilled with positive vibes, ready to create and to share the energy of Love and Light all over again:)
We came from our vacation right before the hurricane Matthew arrived to the cost. I took time to place an intent onto my Orgonite pyramids to save us from this destructive powers, and as a coincident or not, the hurricane tilted to the east and all we got was some minor rains and winds. I don't claim that it did it alone, but I hope it added its powers to the prayers of other beings in this area to save us from the destruction:)
My prayers go to Haiti where so many lives were taken in this hurricane.. It is so sad that government was ready to evacuate half of Florida cost, but no one cared for evacuation of those who got hit by this hurricane the worst..
I have been thinking a lot about how the world we live in is a vibrational match to our inner frequency.
Living in the society, we often tend to fall into lower vibrations sometimes not even knowing how and why. Only most conscious of us can distinguish easily between the own and the strange vibrations. How many times you would catch yourself feeling negatively without a cause or a reason.. When this happens question yourself: Why am I feeling this way? Is it my own thought/vibration/feeling?
I am saying this because I am starting to realize how important for us as Light Beings to control and guard our vibrational state. It does not mean we have to be happy and positive 100% of the time. But we have to stay CONSCIOUS and PRESENT - this is only way we can grow.
Some days we feel like our light is not helping anyone, that it goes unnoticed, and sometimes it even feels like it doesn't even have the capacity to pull us out of the darkness of our emotions. In days like that all we can do is to BELIEVE. Believe in yourself, in the power of the Universal Light. Think of these days like of a dark tunnel that is leading you to the Light. Take a deep breath, and let the Divine take care of you. You would be surprised in the power of a prayer - it literally takes the overloads of negative energy off your shoulders and fills you up with joy and gratitude.. Get into the Heart - that's where the Love and high vibration reside, that's where you need to start going to as often as you can when you feel that your light has deemed.
Classical music (or some melody that has you thinking positive thoughts), reading poetry that opens your heart (for me, it was always Marina Ctvetaeva poetry), walks in the nature and playing with animals and kids will help you to reenter into that sacred space of Love and humility, gratitude and joy, these are the feelings that indicate that you are tuning into the higher vibration.
I have been working on new Orgonite creations, of course, and I was waiting to share some of them with you!
For those who is reading this blog for a first time, I am running an online store, where you can see my creations - Orgonite pendants, earrings, bracelets, paperweights and pyramids. I do this for a living and take my work very seriously and close to my heart.
The whole idea of creating Orgonite came to me as a quest to the Universe to do something good with my life and to help people in some way. And I honor this ability to create devices that are able to transmute negative energy into positive one.
Here are some new things I have been working on:) I hope you enjoy it:)
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