Saturday, May 21, 2016

Gratitude and Love are the most magic powers in your life!

Good morning, wonderful!) How are you today? How is the weather outside? Were there anything that prevented you from starting your day beautifully?  If so - now is the time to start it right!
Walk over to your window or balcony, and look outside. Study the nature that surrounds you: is it sunny? is it windy? is it raining and cloudy? Listen to the sounds of your morning, and connect with it. Notice how abundant the nature is around you - trees are full of leaves, there are birds and insects in the grass all around. Life is blossoming in everything, it is flourishing, and SO ARE YOU. Realize, that you are just the same part of the nature, as birds, rain water and grass, as the sky and trees.. You are just as abundant, and connected to the divine, as everything else on our planet. Dwell on this feeling. Feel it with your every fiber. And know, that life has a beautiful order, where every thought of yours matters, influences the cosmic Divine energy, and is creating your life. Now, come back to your life. Think of all the blessings you have had in your life. 10 years ago? last year? yesterday? Notice how far you have come in your progress as a spiritual being. Feel this beautiful emotion of Gratitude. It is the highest possible vibration on Earth and a person, dwelling on this emotion is open for the Magic of life, for the Magic of Cosmic Divine. Gratitude is the frequency that will draw to you all the gifts and blessings possible.. Learn to feel Gratitude for every experience (good or bad). Negative experience helped you to learn from it and to grow into who you are today.
Notice, how your own vibrations are raising? How your heart is filling with the beautiful feeling of Love for everything in the world? With this Love you can conquer not only any obstacle in your daily life, but everything else, that is preventing you from shining and spreading Your Light..
Now you are good to go!:)
And remember to start every day with raising you vibration - whether through the abundance in nature or the feeling of gratitude, or any other technique (like prayer, mantra, etc).

 I was thinking a lot about things we go through - how often we want to sink into a low vibration, and start complaining.. Try to spend a day without a single complaint (to your friends, parents, strangers, about government, about life obstacles, or about money issues). Instead, visualize that you are prosperous in any way possible, see yourself having all things you need (you will realize, you don't need much to be happy, but you may want more for your comfort), feel like you already have what you want. You will notice, that you will feel better - moreover, your desires will start materialize for you very, very soon. Don't expect anything though, but be thankful for everything.
Appreciate everything you ALREADY HAVE.
Start a journal to write down things you feel gratitude for, if you like. It will help you focus on your own light and on the light in others, and in every circumstance.
And always remember - we CHOOSE our attitude, no matter what.


On my side I am feeling very grateful for everything today..
For my life, my child, my husband, my friends, for every obstacle that made me stronger, for everything.. For the ability to create - and my Orgonite as well.

Here are just some of the most recent creations, I'd love to share with you:)

Forest Dryad Orgonite Goddess Pendant,Garnet & Fluorite,EMF Protection, Reiki

Protection, Clarity and Energy Clearing Obsidian & White Jade Orgonite, EMF Protection, Reiki Infused Jewelry, Psychic Protection, Grounding

All Chakra Om Orgonite Necklace, Methaphysical Pendant, EMF Protection, Reiki, Chakra Healing, Jewelry for the Soul, 528 Hz frequency

This one haven't been posted yet, but you can click on the picture and the link will take you to a similar one!

Christianity Cross Orgonite Necklace with Garnet & Pink Opal

With much Love and Light,


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