In modern society we are surrounded by Electro Magnetic radiation. Big tech companies make it seem normal and promote safety of 5G’s raising like forest everywhere.
But is it really?
There are two types of energy or field exist in our brain: electromagnetic and quantum fields. Electromagnetic field is thought as dominant energy in purely motor and sensory inputs to our brain, whilst quantum field or energy is perceived as more influential in brain.
Electric current in the body generates an electromagnetic field. Because the human body, and every living organism on this planet, is an electrical body all made up of charged particles, it is also subject to the laws of electromagnetism.
Is it safe for us to be a subject of EMF exposure?
EMFs influence metabolic processes in the human body and exert various biological effects on cells through a range of mechanisms. EMF disrupts the chemical structures of tissue since a high degree electromagnetic energy absorption can change the electric current in the body. As a result of this exposure, the functions of organs are affected.
Some studies have suggested that EMF promotes free radical activity in cells. A high degree of free radicals, caused by EMFs, may cause cellular damage, resulting in a range of diseases. These radicals react with various biomolecules, including DNA. (From the article from PubMedCentral)
By being aware of the EMFs and reducing exposure.
Some practices are recommended:
• Be aware of the devices emitting EMFs and try to stay as far as possible from them when they are on. Example: microwave oven.
• Put your phone down when you are not using it.
• Use the speaker function or earbuds so it does not have to be by your ear.
• Leave your phone in another room when you sleep.
• Do not carry your phone in a pocket or your bra.
• Be aware of possible ways of being exposed.
• Minimize your exposure by purchasing low EMF Devices
•Make sure to start using EMF shielding and clearing devices such as Orgonite and crystals (shungite, tourmaline, lepidolite).
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