These times were not easy for all of us - we all are clearing our karma very intensively this time around, and learning lessons along the way that help us to find the way to who we truly are.
I felt that my resent lessons were pretty tough on me: the deepest unconscious fears are coming up on the surface of my consciousness. We are forced to accept whatever is coming and the best way to feel at peace again is to feel the gratitude and be thankful for the lessons life is teaching us.
Another great way to be true to ourselves is to get away from social media/news/computer/gadgets, etc. It consumes so much time of our life! The life that worth so much more than spending it by the TV/computer screen. The life we could spend following our own dreams rather than watching made up stories, that will teach us nothing, on Netflix.
Set a time of your day - even 10 min - to yourself. Spend it in nature, in your sacred space, even in your room (if that is the space where you feel most connected to your core self). Be in silence. Breath. Imagine the Light surrounding you. Know that there are Angels and holy spirits around you that are always protecting your space, and ready to help you when you are listening. Listen to the silence. Sometimes the silence is exactly what we are needed for clarity and answers.
Use your crystals and/or Orgone devices, they will heal you and hold the space for you, clear it from negativity, and invite high frequency energies into it.
Another wonderful thing is to get familiar with moon cycles and special astrological events. We can use them for our advantage and spiritual growth.
Using the New Moon and Full Moon in conjunction with each other is one of my favorite ways to manifest. The New Moon is all about new beginnings and asking for what you want to manifest. The Full Moon is all about completion, releasing and removing what no longer works for you. Ask for something to manifest during a New Moon and then release your intentions and remove what is blocking you from what you want to manifest during the Full Moon.
As with any ritual work, use it for the good of others and yourself. Remember that it is our responsibility not to interfere with anyone's gift of free will.
One of the greatest times of the year is coming up, and we can really focus on self healing and spiritual growth right now. This time around Lionsgate Portal and Full Moon are at the same time!
Every year the Sun, Earth and Sirius move to specific points in the sky activating The Lionsgate Portal, which opens from July 26 to August 12, however it is at its most powerful on August 8. It is on this day that we can receive the full abundance of the magical and powerful energy that is on offer.
This light energy can enhance spiritual awakenings, bring about new insights or a new awareness and it can also help to raise the consciousness of the planet. It is this highly activated and spiritually advanced energy from these stars that help to activate the portal and send an influx of higher vibrational energy for us to use.I hope you found some helpful insights for yourself:)
So much Love your way!
Use your time wisely!
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