Tuesday, June 20, 2017

A POWERFUL TIP on How to Get What You Want, New ORGONE Creations, Coupon Codes

Hello dear friends!
I hope every one has a beautiful day!
It has been a few busy weeks for me here:) It's good to stay busy, but sometimes things don't go the way we want to, and we feel overwhelmed, stressed, unappreciated, etc. When I get these feelings I get upset, and the next thought is always the one about changing the situation. Can you relate? Haha, that's what we do, we always start looking for a cause of the problem outside of ourselves. Yep. I did that too:) But then I "woke up" and thought to myself: "Won't it be easier to change my attitude?" And.. Guess what happened? Problem was resolved. By itself. Without me even moving a finger.
That's how it works. When we put too much value onto something, when we worry too much about it, it becomes important to us, some special powers in the world (the Murphy law?) is always trying to balance things out. We will most likely never get something we want too badly. But as soon as we forget about it, things start arriving. VALUE - is the key. Drop the value, and you get what you want.

But please don't confuse it with loosing gratitude (in case you are thinking "If I don't value this thing, I don't appreciate it"): Always be GRATEFUL for everything that comes your way!

Change your attitude. Stop thinking that without your help nothing will work out. It will, as soon as you say to yourself: It's going to be an amazing day. As soon as you relax in the midst of a storm. And change the value of the event from a 100 to a 0.
Just try it for your self! This was the best tip I have discovered in the book by Russian author Vadim Zeland "Reality Transerfing" http://zelands.com/catalogue.pdf
You can click on the link to see the pdf file of this book. Amazing read!


Well... I actually wanted to make this post with the purpose of sharing my most recent Orgone creations with you:))) LOL But as always my thoughts took me on the journey, which I don't mind:)
I am happy I shared something important with you:)

So:) Here is what I have been making recently:) I hope you enjoy viewing it as much as I enjoyed making it:) 

Star Anise Seed Orgone Necklace with Carnelian & Shungite,Nature Inspired Jewelry,EMF Protection,Reiki Infused, Healing Jewelry for the Soul

This Orgone Necklace features large dry Star Anise seed, embellished with Carnelian Crystals. Root and Sacral Chakra Alignment.Star Anise Seed raises vibrations to the highest possible psychic level. Good for bringing about changes in attitude (re-focusing), for astral travel, dreams, crystal gazing and meditation. In a pillow, it is said to keep away nightmares. For any type of clairvoyance or divination or mental exercises. It will also ensure your environment is protected from harmful emf frequencies & negativity, will help in decision making and will provide clarity to the mind.

 Om Welo Opal Orgone with Glow in the Dark Metatrons Cube Grid,Sacred Geometry Spiritual Jewelry

This is one of the new Orgones that contain sacred geometry grid in it, and with the Om
ॐ sign. It also contains 12 of my new and amazingly powerful and colorful crystals - Welo Opals. They are super flashy and has all the raibow colors in it. Together with Metatrons Cube sacred geometry grid, this pendant has a very strong positive vibration that may beautifully influence you on all chakra levels.

 Tree of Life Orgone with Herkimer Diamond, Peridot & Green Apatite


Shri Yantra Sacred Geometry Orgone pendant, Charoite, iolite, Amethyst & Shungite

This Orgone necklace was created with the intention to aid in connecting to Higher Realm, to help you balance feminine and masculine energies in your energy body, to bring peace, love and harmony into your environment. This necklace not only contains powerful sacred geometry of Shri Yantra but also has specific powerful crystals to help you on your spiritual growth path.The Sri Yantra is considered to be a symbol of immense power partly because when you meditate for prolonged periods on it, you focus your attention on the area between you eyebrows which stimulates the pineal gland. This then increases the alpha brain wave activity. The Sri Yantra is considered to be the tool for obtaining and fulfilling all worldly desires and for material manifestation. 

Of course, there are many, many more:)
You can see them at www.DymondCreations.com Etsy store!

The Coupon Codes that I posted are still good and you can find them in my PREVIOUS MESSAGE (there is also a meditation technique that you can use for cleansing the energy).

So much Love and Light your way!


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