I hope everyone's day is going amazing!
I am truly enjoying these days, the holiday spirit is in everything:)
This time of the year brings families together, and it also brings up the best (or the worst) feelings on the surface. Some feel giving and generous, others stingy and poisoned by egotistic thoughts. Sometimes all of it happens in one single family (I've seen so many examples, and this made me to create this post).
So I wanted to write here today to remind you to look at the others with the new eyes.Without judging, without prejudice, without separating on good and bad. Try to see only good in people that surround you. Try to give and feel LOVE no matter of what emotion comes up to the surface in your mind when you think of the person. I promise you, whatever you give out in the world, will be returned to you tremendously. I've seen people change when someone sends nothing but love towards them! This is amazing and it works, all you need is to be present with your feelings and give it a try!
It is especially important during this times. Remember, their souls came here, on the Earth plane, to grow.. Help them with your love, be that Light for them, that they may be haven't seen in years. They may not even know why they are transforming and becoming better, they may not even notice the change in themselves, but you will see the difference!
I understand that we tend to fall in out own emotional withdrawals and not always feel that love ourselves, but it takes just a second to change focus and raise our own awareness, and the results will be thrilling!.. So why don't we all just try this technique? The world needs to become a better place and it starts with us!

Always yours,
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