ASCENSION thoughts, CHRISTAMAS Orgonite SALE, Sharing Love Vibrations
Hello, wonderful beings!
I just wanted to share some of my pre-holiday thoughts with you today!
I used to think of the process of Ascension as of some type of physical transformation into light being or about merging into some other dimension where physical form doesn't matter any more.
But the more I'm listening to my inner guidance, the more I tap into these new energies, and new information just flows to me.
And these energies are so beautiful - I think true ASCENSION is a WAY OF BEING. It is about listening to your heart. It is about listing to that subtle inside voice that speaks in the moments of surrendering to life, in the moment when you CHOSE to be PRESENT.
When you choose to focus the light inside yourself, and to focus it in every other being around you. When you stop being judgmental and show compassion towards others.
Life is about CHOICES, and only we can decide whether we are ready to transform into loving and sharing this love creature, or whether to stay in the darkness and to have a pity on your miserable life.
EVERYTHING in this life is an OPPORTUNITY - to grow, to become better.
When you start looking at your issues and problems as blessings that you were meant to go through in order to develop your soul, you will see that you are changing for better, that your life is changing.
It is ALL about CHOICES.

I also wanted to say how much it means to me to create special things for
special people! It is truly a blessing - to share energy with you...
I've been creating many more pieces of Orgonite, that all need some finishing touches. So if you need that special gift for someone, you know who to ask about it:)))
I also run CHRISTMAS SALE in the DymondOrgonite shop on Etsy until 12.25.15.
It is $5 OFF your purchase of $25.
Use the Coupon Code you see in the flyer below!
May your holidays be filled with Love, Joy, Hope and Happiness! May all your dreams come true!
Much Love and Light to you!
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