Saturday, November 21, 2015

Karma, forgiveness and letting go.. Some New Orgonite creations and MILLIONS of positive vibes))

Hello, beautiful souls out there!

I haven't been much on here, and just was caught up in many daily routines - sometimes by the evening I felt so drained and tired, all I wanted was to go to bed. Honestly, I have no idea how people with 2+ kids are living their lives:)) My little angel alone is capable of having me exhausted by 8 pm:)) she is an amazing child, smart, active and playful. Many people in my surroundings are surprised that she is already talking (she is 2.5 months) and is EVERYWHERE lol. She hates her stroller, so now she is always walking next to me (I don't drive - hoping one day we get a second car for me).

 But anyways, I tried to work on more Orgonite pieces in my spare time, was working on English - Russian translations for a local magazine I've been with for 5 years now.. And I was also into some new YouTube channels. I have discovered for myself a few amazing people - Bashar, Krista Raisa and Gigi Young

I'm so thankful for their amazing work as light workers - I found some very needed answers for my life in their teachings.. I added the link to each name, so you could check out the videos that impressed me the most (each of them has a whole channel dedicated to spreading light in the world). 

I've been thinking a lot this week about our choices in life, and how we create some situations and then have hard time getting out of it.. And then we call it our karma. 

I definitely believe there are certain karmic relationships and situations that repeat from life to life until we learn the lesson, but how easily sometimes we walk into the same trap!)))

So, I'm currently in the process of undoing some of my own karmic stuff - and it's not an easy work.. 

Sometimes it's so hard to find WHAT is an actual problem - it could be located so deep in our subconscious. Stereotypes and all the outside believes that became almost a part of us are covering the REAL YOU so well. You really have to undo it a layer by layer to get to the truth of WHO you ARE.


And I found some good tips for myself on how to search for those answers. Here are just a few of them:

* look at the person that irritates you the most in your closest surroundings and see yourself mirroring in him/her. 

* What caused the attraction between you two in the first place? Check deeper within yourself, why are you attached to that person

* Learn to accept the situation and stop blaming other people in your problems

* Learn to let go and forgive, even though it seems you can't. You can, just feel the LOVE and try to surround that person with diamond light and you will see - their attitude will change.

* Love yourself and dig dipper to find where you accepted someone else belief as your own..

* BE PRESENT in any situation 

...and forgive people that hurt you again, and again, and again. 

And tell them good bye. Because you can't step twice in same river. It is time for new lessons, new beginnings, new life.

I hope this will help someone.. 

And I urge you to check out those YouTube channels I mentioned earlier, as you will be surprised to find many answers for your questions..

And of course, the most exiting part of my blog!!!) My new creations!

I really hope you enjoy it and take a moment to check it out.


Specially for my followers here on Google+ I have created a COUPON CODE, and you are very welcome to use it at checkout in my ETSY STORE!) 

Simply add the code BLOGLOVE at the checkout to receive 25% off your order of $35 +

This code applies to ALL of my creations in the store!

I've been working on new ORGONITE BRACELETS as I personally think it is the best way to have your emf protection and positive energy generator near you 24/7.

Crystal Orgonite Bracelet with Om Sign, EMF Protection, Reiki Enhanced Jewelry

Lapis Lazili, Aquamarine and Chrysocolla Orgonite Bracelet with Om Sign, EMF Protection, Reiki Inhanced Jewelry

Pet Paw Orgonite Bracelet, EMF Protection, Spiritual Jewelry, Soft Leather Bracelet, Shambala Style Bracelet


 Here are some new Orgonite RINGS that also hold an incredible positive energy charge and also work as emf protectors:

Amethyst ORGONITE RING, Adjustable Ring, Statement Ring, EMF Protection, Reiki, Chakra Healing


Turquoise ORGONITE RING, Adjustable Ring, Statement Ring, EMF Protection, Reiki, Chakra Healing


Lapis Lazuli ORGONITE RING, Adjustable Ring, Statement Ring, EMF Protection, Reiki, Chakra Healing


And here are a few of my new pendants:)

Butterfly Dream with Rhodonite & Garnet Orgonite, Reiki infused Spiritual Jewelry, on Sterling Silver 16" Chain

Tiger's Eye and Fluorite Bird Orgonite Necklace

Exclusive Owl Orgonite Pendant with Imperial Topaz and Garnet, EMF Protection, Reiki Healing, Chakra Crystals

I hope you enjoyed it)) Stay tuned for more work, I have new wire wrapped pendants coming in store tonight))


Much LOVE and LIGHT to you, beautiful soul out there!!!

Always yours,









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