Thursday, October 29, 2015

Shamanic Experience, Power Animals and new animalistic Orgonite Pendants! Much Love and Light to All, Amazing Beings!

Hello, every beautiful soul out there! How is your day going so far?

I wanted to share a very personal experience with you today, and I just wanted to see if any of you tried anything similar, and if there are any awesome books about .. Shamanism (yes, you heard me right))) that I need to check out..

Recently I was listening to the video of the Youtuber Elena Andromeda, where she was talking about her path and why did she choose to get into shamanism.. Well, in that video she was talking about how to get to know who your power animals are, and to find it out you have to envision the portal, enter it and your animal should find you.

She did this with the sound of shamanic drums on the background. I was just laying still after my daughter drifted to sleep in the dark and silent room.

Just want to mention to you - usually I'm not very good at envisioning things (well, I can envision energy, but not pictures) - and what happened is kind of new to me.

I closed my eyes and set an intention to find who are my power animals. Almost right away I saw myself of the rainy shiny street with a puddle in the middle - I knew right away it was a portal. I jumped into it like Alice in the rabbit hole. 

It really seemed like I was going strange ways - there were fire flames and tribal-looking faces around me, I rushed through it upwards and saw myself in the space - quiet and starry.. I turned my head - and there he was - a brown horse was standing behind me. I looked at it, touched its skin, and it just felt so right, so at home.. 


...And I was back in my bedroom again, with the picture of that beautiful animal in front of my eyes..


A "normal" logic turned on, and I thought to myself, that this was truly an interesting experience for me. I could see myself finding a cat-animal, may be a lion, even a rabbit, or an owl.. But a BROWN HORSE? I have always admired these animals, but never was around one really. And at the same time, it felt so special..

So.. Did anyone have any similar experience? And what do I do now with this knowledge? I only found this one article about it:


I know I probably should have learned some theory before trying different spiritual things, but I am a person of a moment and sometimes I do things that feel right at the moment - or I just simply don't have patience for looking up and researching the subject (my bad). 

I looked up "Shamanism practices" on Google, and looks like this knowledge is only offered as classes and there was no information for a public viewing and learning (like for any other spiritual movement).

May be you guys know of any sites with open and free information? I would really appreciate your advice!

and... Tadammmm)))

Of course, I am eager to share my new Orgonite pieces - they are for those who love animals, and fit perfectly to this post:)

Dog Lover's Orgonite Crystal Pendant with Lapis Lazuli, Tiger's Eye,Aventurine, Red Jasper & Carnelian, Reiki Jewelry, Pet Lover's Orgonite

Cat Lover's Orgonite Pendant with Garnet, Sterling Silver Pendant, Black Sun Orgonite Pendant

Have a beautiful day or night everyone!


Much Love and Light to All!

Yours, Elizaveta 


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