I hope you guys are doing great!
I turned on my TV this morning, and in the Good Morning America (not that I watch it a lot, and believe in these fake news, but turn it on occasionally to see what they want to put in our heads LOL), besides the Pope's triumph in Philly was a topic about Mars - that scientists have something to disclose.. Well, it's sparked me with curiosity.
At same time I am reading this article that states:
The earth is moving into a region of the galaxy that is leading to increasing cosmic energies impacting our sun and altering human DNA. It is predicted this will lead to many changes in human society including major disclosures of advanced technologies, secret space programs and extraterrestrial life.Strange enough isn't it?
I am sure NASA knows much more then they are giving out to the public, so we will see what they came up with this time around:)
I also saw this article where Helena Blavatsky, the greatest mystic & philosopher of XX century, was talking about life on Mars (way before there were pictures of it).
I'd love to hear your thought on it!
Love and Light to all of you!!!
That az originally was blown away with new mexico, and that we're living on and n a second mars. But I'm not working with nasa so that's my opinion.